2, Logistic Support and Financial Control,NAVEDTRA 287-02-45-81, covers financialcontrol and logistic support in detail.DAILY OFFICE ROUTINEReceptionist duties are discussed in detail inchapters 5 and 6 of RP 3 & 2, module 1, PersonnelSupport, NAVEDTRA 287-01-45-82. Severalspecific duties are addressed in this section asresponsibilities that pertain to all RPs.Facilities Usage ScheduleOne responsibility of the RP is to maintain afacilities usage schedule. This schedule is main-tained to ensure that scheduling conflicts do notoccur. Since facilities used by the CommandReligious Program are available to all commandpersonnel and their dependents, these facilities aremuch in demand. Use of the facilities is usuallygranted on a first-come-first-served basis.Although some events will necessarily takepriority, arrangements for special religious ser-vices and observances should be made well inadvance. It is the duty of the RP to maintain arecord of all activities scheduled in the CRPfacilities. Figure 3-1 shows a typical chapelfacilities usage schedule for 1 month.Watch Log and MasterLocator BoardThe logbook is used by the duty RP to recorddaily happenings during the operation of theoffice of the chaplain. Such events as the dailyworship services, visitors to the office, andimportant or emergency message traffic are buta few of the items that may be logged. Thecommand chaplain will provide additionalguidance in this area.Maintenance of the master locator board isvery important. Since the chaplain must beFigure 3-1.—Chapel facilities usage schedule.3-5
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