available for emergency calls on very short notice,
it is necessary to know where he can be contacted
at all times. The best way to accomplish this is
to continually update the master locator board
(fig. 3-2). A small piece of Plexiglas and a grease
pencil can be used for this purpose.
File of Referral Sources
Navy members and their dependents who are
experiencing difficulties may not always turn
immediately to the office of the chaplain for
assistance. As a result, a problem may be quite
serious and the aid of certain professionals may
be necessary by the time the chaplain is contacted.
A locator file of referral agencies should be main-
tained by the RP. These agencies may include the
American Red Cross, fire and police departments,
base or area medical facilities, local churches and
members of the clergy, the poison control center,
and the local crisis hotline. The RP should
review and expand this file of referral sources on
a continuing basis. The chaplain may direct the
RP to assist in making a referral for visitors to
the office.
Crisis or Emergency Calls
Since handling emergencies may be a part of
the RPs routine, the ability to work calmly under
pressure is an important qualification. A visitor
or caller who is upset may become even more so
if the RP appears nervous or hesitant. However,
the RP who makes the visitor or caller feel at ease
and welcome may help the person approach the
problem more rationally. Teaching subordinates
to work calmly under pressure is part of per-
sonnel management. The leading RP can offer
guidance regarding the following basic
1. Act in a caring and courteous manner
toward a caller or visitor experiencing a crisis
2. Alert the chaplain or co-workers when
dealing with a possible suicide attempt, bomb
threat, or other similar emergency
3. Know the location of the chaplain at all
times and be able to make contact quickly
Office Files
Detailed information pertaining to maintain-
ing the Command Religious Program (CRP) files
and records can be found in chapter 3 of RP
3 & 2, module 3, Administration, NAVEDTRA
In order to standardize policy and regulate
operations, the Navy has developed directives and
Figure 3-2.Locator board.