Figure 1-9.Occupational standards for Master Chief Religious Program Specialist.
and Instructor Training (IT); correspondence
courses; college courses; and seminars. One of the
most valuable mediums of training RPs is through
on-the-job training (OJT).
All of the above information relating to career
opportunities for RPs is amplified in Rate
Training Manuals (RTMs) for the RP rating. Rate
training manuals are written to support the
effective implementation of occupational
standards and to assist advancement candidates.
RTMs are revised periodically to conform with
the official publications, directives, documents,
and instructions on which they are based. RPs
should always refer to current official sources in
the performance of their duties. Personnel who
prepare the fleetwide examinations for advance-
ment use the most current regulations, publica-
tions and directives. For that reason, as well as
having up-to-date information pertaining to the
duties of the rating, the RP should stay completely
informed on any changes that occur in official
publications related to the rating.
The RTM and the Bibliography for Advance-
ment Study (NAVEDTRA 10052) are two im-
portant elements in preparing for advancement.
The Bibliography for Advancement Study is
revised and issued each year by the Chief of Naval
Education and Training to assist personnel in
studying for advancement. RPs should check with
the personnel in the local commands educational
services office to ensure that they have the most
current bibliography.
This rate training manual (RTM) provides
information directly related to the occupational
standards for RP1 and RPC. The RTM will
discuss the role the RP1 and RPC play in the
following areas: religious ministries in the Navy;
management of the office of the chaplain; finan-
cial management; logistics; personnel manage-
ment; and education and training.