shown in figure 1-5. It consists of a compass, a
globe, and an anchor. The compass suggests
direction, which religion gives to life; the globe
symbolizes that religious ministries are available
throughout the world; and the anchor indicates
that religious support is provided continually for
personnel of the sea services.
The enlisted career pattern for RPs is shown
in figure 1-6. However, career opportunities for
highly motivated and talented personnel are not
limited to the enlisted ranks. Personnel who meet
certain specific requirements may apply for
commissioning to Warrant Officer Ships Clerk
(741X) and/or to Limited Duty Officer Adminis-
tration (641X). Because the commanding officers
recommendation for these commissioning pro-
grams is based upon consistent outstanding per-
formance, candidates must recognize the need to
rise above the norm. Personnel who often
perform above and beyond the call of duty are
the ones the Navy needs to select for these
commissioning programs.
There is no substitute for sustained superior
performance in any paygrade, so all personnel,
whether interested in a commission or not, should
strive to maintain optimum performance
standards throughout their tour of duty in the
Navy. As personnel managers, senior RPs should
always note outstanding performance of sub-
ordinates and identify positive characteristics of
top performers who should be encouraged to
apply for commissioning.
Skills and knowledge required of RPs are
specifically defined in occupational standards.
Occupational standards delineate specified tasks
that demonstrate the ability to perform within a
given paygrade. While personnel are required to
meet all standards of their present paygrade, they
must maintain the requirements of all paygrades
leading to their present one.
It should be noted that occupational standards
are MINIMUM standards representing the lowest
level of skill required for RPs to function
effectively at a given paygrade to fulfill Navy
needs. Occupational standards reflect the Navys
requirements for enlisted skills as determined by
manpower management. They also form the basis
for personnel training and advancement.
Figure 1-5.Religious Program Specialist rating insignia.
Figure 1-6.-Career pattern for Religious Program Specialist.