Occupational standards are reviewed and
revised periodically, usually every 5 to 6 years.
The purpose of these reviews is to keep Navy
ratings as current as possible, since occupational
standards may be affected by changes made to
official directives. RP occupational standards
experienced their first review in 1984. Figures 1-7,
1-8, and 1-9 show the current occupational
standards for RP1 through RPCM. These occupa-
tional standards which were effective 1 October
1985, will be in effect until the next review. The
most recent revisions to the occupational
standards for RPs were based upon recommenda-
tions provided by the Office of the Chief of
As you study the occupational standards, you
will note that individuals must possess greater
skills and knowledge as they move up the enlisted
ladder. Greater skills and knowledge may be
enhanced through RP A and C schools; Navy
schools such as Leadership Management Educa-
tion and Training (LMET); Career Counselor,
Figure 1-7.Occupational standards for Religious Program Specialist First Class.