religious guidance is requested. The chaplain also
maintains liaison with social, religious, health, and
welfare agencies in the community. The chaplain
refers personnel to those agencies or to other
sources of help when requested by military
personnel and their families. Therefore, it is
imperative that the RP maintain a current listing
of resource agencies so that up-to-date referral
information is always available to the chaplain.
Whenever feasible, the scope of religious
ministry may be expanded to include additional
programs, such as retreats, musical productions,
marriage enrichment presentations, films, and
other special events, to enhance the positive
affect of the Command Religious Program. In
almost all of these cases, prior planning and
programming is possible. The services of guest
speakers, musicians, seminar directors, or other
support personnel may be required. In some
instances, these personnel may be paid for their
services. Reimbursement guidelines are provided
in SECNAVINST 1730.3.
In an area where a large naval complex is
located, such as San Diego, California, or
Norfolk, Virginia, chaplains may be on call on
a rotating basis to respond to emergencies.
Sometimes 10 or more chaplains maybe assigned
in one geographical location, and a chaplain may
be on call for a week or more at a time. The
chaplain on call can usually be reached by
contacting the officer of the deck or officer of
the day at the installation.
When persons are experiencing a crisis, the
RP, division officer, or shipmate maybe the first
person to receive a call; therefore, it is important
to know where the chaplain can be reached at all
times. Likewise, any other staff member should
be prepared to activate a personnel recall system
quickly in an emergency.
All of the above situations call for a detailed
PMO report. All reports should be forwarded in
the third quarter of the current year via the chain
of command to the cognizant claimant staff
chaplain for guidance. The RP staff should play
an important role in the development of the
ministry objectives and in conducting CRP opera-
tions throughout the year.
The daily PMO log sheet shown in figures 2-2
and 2-3 will provide not only a comprehensive
work schedule but also a record of manhours
expended in support of planned ministry.