Secretary of the Navy
The Secretary of the Navy is responsible for the establishment and
maintenance of an Information Security Program to ensure effective com-
pliance with the provisions of U.S. Navy Regulations and General Orders,
Executive Orders, public laws, National Security Council, Department of
Defense, and other legally established directives regarding the protection of
classified information.
Chief of Naval Operations
The Chief of Naval Operations is responsible to the Secretary of the Navy
for policies relating to the security of classified information in the Depart-
ment of the Navy.
Director of Naval Intelligence
The Director of Naval Intelligence (OP-009) has been designated as the
officer primarily responsible to the Chief of Naval Operations for the effec-
tive compliance with and implementation of the Information Security Pro-
gram within the Department of the Navy.
Commanding Officers
Commanding Officers are responsible for compliance with and implemen-
tation of the regulations outlined in DOD 5200.1 R and OPNAVINST 5510.0
within their commands.
Personnel Granted Access
Every individual in the Department of the Navy who acquires access to
classified information is responsible for protecting that information in ac-
cordance with the regulations outlined in DOD 5200.1 R and OPNAVINST
Figure 2-6.Classified material responsibilities.
consult this publication for a detailed list of
information before access is granted. Need to
security terms.
know will be defined in a later section.
ACCESS.The ability and opportunity to
obtain knowledge or possession of classified in-
formation. NOTE: An individual does not have
refers to full-time duty by an inactive duty
access to classified information merely by being
reservist with the active military service of the
in a place where such information is kept. The
United States for training purposes. Usually this
individual must have the need to know for the
is for a 2-week period.