service record for specific background informa-
tion. Therefore, it is imperative that RPs know
and understand what information is contained in
enlisted service records. It is the responsibility of
the Personnelman (PN) to prepare and maintain
enlisted service records. The RP should consult
a PN in the personnel office when questions arise
concerning entries in these records.
The enlisted service record is maintained in a
NAVPERS 1070/600 folder such as the one
shown in figure 2-7. This folder has a tab for
recording the name (last, first, and middle) and
social security number of the enlisted person for
whom the folder is prepared. A capital R is
placed after USN to indicate a person is a
member of the Naval Reserve. Both sides of the
folder are equipped with fasteners for filing
service record pages and other official/unofficial
Left Side of Folder
Required documents and unofficial pages and
papers filed for safekeeping are maintained on the
Figure 2-7.Enlisted Service Record Folder (NAVPERS 1070/600).