left side of the folder. These pages and papers may
The original or a copy of standard transfer
orders with copies of the endorsements.
Travel claims.
Statements of service.
Naval correspondence course completion
Reports of examinations (other than
Service school certificates and diplomas.
Reports of separation from military
Statements of Personal History.
Documents pertaining to completion of
security investigations.
Issuance of security clearance documents.
Birth certificates.
Marriage licenses.
Court decrees and orders.
Citizenship papers.
Correspondence pertaining to special
letters of commendation.
Copies of evaluation reports.
Certified reproduction of the Enlisted Per-
formance Record (NAVPERS 1070/609).
This record will be explained in another
section of this chapter.
Certified copy of History of Assignments
(NAVPERS 1070/605) pertaining to prior
naval service. This form will be explained
in another section of this chapter.
A Career Performance Data Separator
(NAVPERS 1070/617) shown in figure 2-8 is
placed on the left side of the folder. The follow-
ing items are placed beneath this separator:
History of Assignments (NAVPERS
1070/605) pertaining to prior naval service.
Copies of all performance evaluations.
Copies of commendations from prior and
current enlistments.
Copies of all DD Forms 214 (Certificate
of Release or Discharge from Active
Duty). The DD Form 214 will be explained
in another section of this chapter.
All other official and unofficial papers are filed
in chronological order (the latest date on top)
above the separator.
Right Side of Folder
The pages that comprise the actual service
record are retained on the right side of the
NAVPERS 1070/600 folder. These pages are
arranged in the following order beginning with
the first (bottom) page of the enlisted service
DD Form 4, Enlistment or Reenlistment
Agreement Armed Forces of the United States.
(Page 1)
NAVPERS 1070/601, Immediate Reenlist-
ment Contract. (Page 1)
NAVPERS 1070/621, Agreement to Ex-
tend Enlistment. (Page 1A)
NAVPERS 1070/622, Assignment to and
Extension of Active Duty. (Page 1B)
VA Form 29-8286, SGLI Certificate of
NAVPERS 1070/602, Dependency Ap-
plication/Record of Emergency Data. (Page 2)
NAVPERS 1070/603, Enlisted Classifica-
tion Record. (Page 3)