Only one chapel fund will be established
aboard any ship, station, or base. Particular
religious groups or categories will be authorized
to be members of the chapel fund by the com-
manding officer. No religious group will receive
or disburse funds apart from the chapel fund.
However, a separate account will be maintained
for each group that is authorized to be a member
of the fund.
Management of money in the Navy involves
many people. Even though the commanding of-
ficer is responsible for the overall administration
of the chapel fund, many other personnel also
get involved with managing this fund. The
following sections will briefly explain some of
the specific responsibilities of the individuals
who are involved with the management of the
chapel fund.
Commanding Officer
A chapel fund is established and ad-
ministered by authority of the commanding
officer. When the Command Religious Program
serves more than one command located at a
single installation, the CRP chapel fund will be
administered under the authority of the com-
manding officer of the housekeeping command.
Chapel funds which are established with the
approval of the commanding officer are used for
projects of a religious nature, easily recognizable
as coming within the desires of the donors. The
commanding officer has final approval on any
expenditure recommended by the donors.
However, the command chaplain, chapel fund
administrator, and/or account custodians are
normally delegated the authority by the com-
manding officer to approve expenditures up to a
certain limit. The CRP chapel fund is a COM-
must therefore be managed as any other nonap-
propriated fund aboard the ship or station.
Command Chaplain
Command chaplains fulfill department head
or division officer responsibilities at most Navy
and Marine Corps commands. In this capacity,
they function like any other officer aboard the
ship or station. In regards to the CRP chapel
fund, the command chaplain is normally
delegated the authority by the commanding of-
ficer to approve expenditures out of this fund up
to a certain limit. The chapel fund administrator
will forward all receipt and expenditure
documents to the command chaplain for infor-
mation and/or approval purposes.
Chapel Fund Administrator
The chapel fund administrator will have
recordkeeping responsibilities for the chapel
fund and will be designated in writing by the
commanding officer who has jurisdiction over
the fund. A sample letter of appointment is
shown in figure 1141. The administrator may
be a chaplain, a Religious Program Specialist, or
an active participant in the CRP. However, in-
dividuals who are responsible for the receipt and
expenditure of appropriated funds will not nor-
mally be appointed as administrator of chapel
funds. As a general rule, command or assistant
chaplains will not assume duties as a chapel fund
administrator; however, they may perform this
task if necessary. A chapel fund administrator
may also serve concurrently as a custodian for
one CRP chapel fund account. Custodial
responsibilities will be explained in the next sec-
tion of this chapter. The chapel fund ad-
ministrator will have primary responsibility for
managing the chapel fund. This includes:
1. Receiving, safeguarding, disbursing, and
accounting for all monies and other asssets.
2. Ensuring that financial reports are
prepared as required.
3. Being responsible for all purchasing.
4. Maintaining property accounts and
When the chapel fund administrator is ex-
pected to be absent from the command for a