original to the fund records. The interim admin-
istrator retains the duplicate copy.
If the chapel fund administrator is absent for
more than 30 days, the appointing authority will
designate a new administrator and transfer the
Chapel Fund Account Custodian
The chapel fund account custodian, with the
approval of the commanding officer, authorizes
expenditures of one particular religious group,
thereby ensuring that the integrity of each
groups assets is maintained. Chapel fund
account custodians are designated in writing by
the commanding officer having jurisdiction over
the fund. A sample letter of appointment is illus-
trated in figure II-4-2. The account custodian
may be a chaplain,
a Religious Program
Specialist, or some other designated individual.
However, individuals who are responsible for
the receipt or expenditure of appropriated funds
will not normally be appointed as an account
custodian of chapel funds. As a general rule,
command or assistant chaplains will not assume
duties as an account custodian; however, they
may perform this task if necessary. Each ac-
count custodian must be an active participant of
the religious group for those funds which come
under the custodians purview. As previously
stated, the chapel fund administrator may also
serve concurrently as a custodian for one chapel
fund account. The chapel fund account custo-
dian will have primary responsibility for manag-
ing one religious groups account. This includes:
1. Arranging for counting collections and
their safekeeping until deposited.
2. Depositing money and presenting bank
slips to the chapel fund administrator for
3. Authorizing purchases and disbursements
in accordance with the intentions of the group
and the commanding officer.
4. Keeping records as may be required or
deemed appropriate by the commanding officer,
the command chaplain, or the chapel fund
Whenever a Command Religious Program
chapel fund is established, the Chief of Naval
Operations (OP-OIH) will be notified. A letter
from the command will be sent to the following
Chief of Naval Operations (OP-01H)
Navy Department
Washington, DC 20370
As previously mentioned in this chapter,
general policy guidance for accounting for CRP
chapel funds is in accordance with NAVSO
P-3519. Specific accounting procedures are in
accordance with NAVSO P-3520, Chapter VI,
and OPNAVINST 1730.1 details instructions
which are peculiar to chapel funds. These will
not be the only publications that are used in ac-
counting for chapel funds, but these three are
considered to be the most important policy
documents. Some of the other publications that
are used in chapel fund accounting will be men-
tioned later in this chapter and in Chapter 5.
The chapel fund administrator will maintain
a set of books, records, and documents to sup-
port the financial transactions of the CRP
chapel fund. Check stubs, canceled checks,
bank deposit slips, bank statements, monthly
vouchers, audit reports, and miscellaneous cor-
respondence are retained as supporting
documents. These documents may be destroyed
2 years after any audit in accordance with SEC-
NAVINST P-5212.5, (Disposal of Navy and
Marine Corps Records).
Accounting records will be maintained for
each religious group in the CRP chapel fund
with transactions and disbursements limited to
available cash balances in each account. The
assets of a particular religious group will be used
only for purposes authorized by the chapel fund
account custodian and the commanding officer,
Expenditures which benefit more than one
religious group may be prorated among the
beneficiaries when written approval is given to
the chapel fund administrator by the account
custodians involved.