Chapel fund account custodians will initiate
all expenditures, except those which are made
from the petty cash fund, by preparing a Pur-
chase Order on NAVCOMPT Form 2213 (figure
II-4-5) and submitting it to the chapel fund
administrator who will verify that there are suf-
ficient funds in the account to pay for the
requested goods or services. The administrator
will then initial the Purchase Order and forward
it to the supplier after the command chaplain
has reviewed the Purchase Order. Purchase
Orders are numbered sequentially for each fiscal
year by a system which identifies the account. In
this chapter, and in Chapter 5, Purchase Orders
will be numbered C-1, C-2, and so forth for the
Roman Catholic account, and P-1, P-2, and so
forth for the Protestant account. A Purchase
Order will be explained later in this chapter
when practice accounting procedures for the
month of August 1980 are performed.
When supplies or services are received, the
chapel fund account custodian will submit the
authorization for payment to the chapel fund
administrator on a copy of the original Purchase
Order (figure II-4-6). This authorization in-
cludes the date the goods were received, the
annotation Authorized for Payment and the
printed name and signature of the account
custodian. All supporting evidence including the
dealers invoice will be attached to the Purchase
Order when it is submitted for payment. Note
the differences between figure II-4-5 and figure
II-4-6. These differences will be explained later
in this chapter.
Payments out of the chapel fund will be
made by printed, prenumbered bank checks
except for those expenditures authorized out of
petty cash. All checks will bear the name of the
chapel fund and be secured in a locked recep-
tacle. The commanding officer may authorize
other individuals in addition to the chapel fund
administrator to sign checks. These individuals
must also be designated in writing.
All expenditures will be recorded in the
Receipts and Expenditures Record (figure II-4-4)
by the chapel fund administrator under the
account of the particular religious group or
religious category. Each entry will indicate date
of payment, description of expense, check
number, purchase order number, amount paid,
and resulting balance.
At the end of each quarter, a chapel fund
Statement of Operations and Net Worth (figure
II-4-7) will be prepared by the chapel fund
administrator and posted by the command
chaplain for viewing by participants in the CRP.
An annual chapel fund Statement of Operations
and Net Worth will be prepared using the same
form displayed in figure II-4-7 at the close of
each fiscal year for audit and will be posted with
the audit report. Both of these reports sum-
marize the activity of the chapel fund for a
designated time frame (quarterly and annually).
The procedures for preparing these two reports
will be explained in Chapter 5. The requirements
for an audit will be explained later in this
The chapel fund administrator is authorized
to maintain a central petty cash fund not to ex-
ceed for small miscellaneous expenditures.
Individual transactions will not exceed for
any one transaction out of this fund.
To establish the central petty cash fund, each
chapel fund account custodian submits a Pur-
chase Order (figures II-4-8 and II-4-9) authoriz-
ing a disbursement for petty cash. A check will
be drawn payable to the chapel fund admin-
istrator from each chapel fund account. A
memorandum entry will be made on the Receipts
and Expenditures Record (figure II-4-10) to
show that a petty cash fund has been estab-
lished. However, no dollar amount is posted to
the individual accounts or to the composite
balance since the net worth of the fund is not
The central petty cash fund will be replen-
ished at the end of each month or more often if
necessary. Chapel fund account custodians who
have drawn funds from the central petty cash
fund will prepare a Purchase Order for the
amount used and submit it to the chapel fund
administrator who will draw a check against