Figure II-4-3.Chapel Fund Receipt Voucher.
chapel fund will be promptly deposited in a bank
account under the official designation of the
fund. Chapel fund receipts, apart from regular
worship service donations, will be handled ac-
cording to the procedures outlined above and a
Chapel Fund Receipt Voucher will be prepared
for each transaction. These receipts require only
one receiving signature along with certification
by the account custodian.
All chapel fund receipts will rerecorded in a
Receipts and Expenditures Record (figure II-4-4)
under the appropriate account by the chapel
fund administrator. Each receipt entry will in-
dicate the date of entry, brief description of the
source, amount, and resulting balance. The
chapel fund administrator will forward all
chapel fund receipt vouchers to the command
chaplain for information purposes. Later on in
this chapter and in Chapter 5, a number of ac-
counting transactions in which entries are re-
quired for a Chapel Fund Receipt Voucher and
Receipts and Expenditures Record will be