Termination of Auxiliary
Chaplain Services
The following guidelines must be observed
concerning the termination of an auxiliary
1. An appointment may be terminated upon
written notification of the commanding officer.
2. An appointment may be terminated upon
written notification of the auxiliary chaplain.
3. Withdrawal of an ecclesiastical endorse-
ment will require the removal of an auxiliary
4. Notification of the termination of auxil-
iary chaplain services must be made to the Chief
of Chaplains.
Commanding officers may obtain the serv-
ices of a civilian clergyperson to serve as a con-
tract chaplain to conduct religious services when
military or auxiliary chaplains are not available.
A nonpersonal services contract is written
with a recognized religious organization or in-
dividual in obtaining the services of contract
Guidelines for Appointment
Some of the specific guidelines for appoint-
ment of contract chaplains are listed below.
1. Contract chaplains will operate under
guidelines established by the commanding
officer of the ship or station which they serve.
2. Performance of contract chaplains will be
monitored by the local command chaplain.
3. The duties of contract chaplains will be of
a purely religious nature such as conducting
services and providing private ministrations
which are necessary for the welfare of personnel.
4. The wearing of uniforms by contract
chaplains, including Reserve chaplains acting in
the capacity of contract chaplains, is not
5. Reserve chaplains serving under the
authority outlined in SECNAVINST 1730.3 for
contract chaplains WILL NOT be entitled to
earned drill points or other Reserve compensa-
tion for these services.
Qualification for Appointment
A contract chaplain must be a fully ordained
clergyperson; and, must have an ecclesiastical
endorsement from an agency that is recognized
by the Armed Forces Chaplains Board as an
endorsing agency. Obtaining this endorsement is
the responsibility of the clergyperson who is
seeking an appointment. Endorsements will be
sent directly from the endorsing agency to the
Chief of Chaplains.
Appointment Process
The appointment process involves a number
of steps. A list of the most important steps is
shown below.
1. Award of contracts for chaplains will be
made by the contracting officer with the
approval of the Chief of Chaplains.
2. Nominations for appointment will be
made by the commanding officer on the recom-
mendation of the command chaplain. The
nomination will include the name and faith
(denomination) of the applicant and the place
and length of appointment. This nomination
will be forwarded to the Chief of Chaplains with
a letter indicating that the applicant has re-
quested an ecclesiastical endorsement.
3. Appointment of contract chaplains will
be made for a term not to exceed 3 years.
4. Contract chaplains are hired through the
use of a nonpersonal services contract and
are NOT charged against authorized civilian
Privileges of Appointees
Contract chaplains are NOT authorized
travel pay, subsistence pay, commissary and
exchange privileges, or other similar privileges
which are granted to members of the military.
However, they may be given temporary duty
travel orders when it is deemed appropriate by
the commanding officer.