Payment of Appointees
Contract chaplains will be paid from appro-
priated fund resources of each local command.
A funded purchase request must be submitted to
the cognizant contracting office sufficiently in
advance of the date of services in order to permit
adequate processing of the request. The fee for
contract chaplains cannot exceed the following
1. for a Sunday or Sabbath service, or a
service conducted on a major religious holy day;
plus, for each additional service held on
these days not to exceed a maximum of 5 per
2. for each weekday service not covered
in the provisions listed in paragraph 1, not to ex-
ceed an average of two weekday services per
week for the period of the contract.
3. for emergency ministrations where
the services of a military chaplain are not
4. Fees for local national contract chaplains
in foreign countries must conform to the local
economy and be established by the respective
area commander.
Termination of Contract
Chaplain Services
The services may be terminated by the con-
tracting officer upon written notification to the
contract chaplain. Notification of termination
must be made to the Chief of Chaplains if it is at
any time other than at the conclusion of the
period of appointment.
Civilian clergy other than auxiliary and con-
tract chaplains may be utilized periodically upon
the invitation of the commanding officer to con-
duct worship services and provide other religious
ministrations as required.
Clergy for occasional ministries will be
selected by the commanding officer on the basis
of the clergypersons abilities and qualifications.
Payment will be made from appropriated fund
resources and the fee for clergy for occasional
ministries cannot exceed the following limits.
1. for a Sunday or Sabbath service, or a
service conducted on a major religious holy day;
plus, for each additional service held on
these days not to exceed a maximum of 5 per
2. for each weekday service not covered
in the provisions listed in paragraph 1.
3. for emergency ministrations where
the services of a military chaplain are not
4. Fees for local national clergy for occa-
sional ministries in foreign countries must con-
form to the local economy and be established by
the respective area commander.
The commanding officer may authorize that
an offering be received at religious services that
are conducted by an auxiliary chaplain, contract
chaplain, or clergy for occasional ministries. All
money which is received will be deposited in the
commands nonappropriated CRP chapel fund,
Each command must establish procedures to en-
sure that civilian clergy hired under the
guidelines of SECNAVINST 1730.3 are NOT
tasked to collect, deposit, or administer monies
which are received as part of an offering at a
religious service which they conduct.
The preceding sections of this chapter were
devoted to explaining congressional appropria-
tions, revolving and trust funds, nonappro-
priated funds, operating targets, and the use of
civilian clergy in fulfilling the needs of the CRP.
Although this financial overview was important,
the chaplain and RP need to remember that the
CRP receives its direct support, both facilities
and operating funds, from the local command,
It is the responsibility of the command chaplain
to manage the assets which are allocated for the