specific objectives, develop a research plan, choose the
proper sample, determine information needs, analyze
the information gathered, develop conclusions and
recommendations, and prepare the report to be
presented to the commanding officer.
Immediately following your research, you should
develop a strategy statement that includes the
background, history, analysis of current and future
situations, a statement of general objectives, policy
elements, budgetable elements, research results, a
financial summary, methods of review and evaluation,
and a general summary. For any outreach program to
be successful, you must follow your research with a
comprehensive strategy statement of this sort.
With your well-defined objectives, sound research,
and complete strategy statement, the chaplain or team
can present the outreach program to the commanding
officer for consideration. If the program is accepted,
you will be ready to enter the next phases of your
outreach programdeveloping a marketing plan and
implementing your outreach program.
The adoption of a marketing concept to achieve
outreach programs can have a fundamental effect on
every CRP. The results of a team-driven, well-planned,
market -minded outreach program will be a tremendous
improvement in the way outreach programs are
received. As an RP, you may discover that an outreach
program will require a great deal of your time and
attention. You must also provide time and attention to
the area we will discuss nextspecial events and
There are occasions throughout the calendar year
when special events and programs will occur. Special
events may include both religious or civil events and
programs and may be defined by national, local, or even
command occurrences. Examples of national events are
the National Prayer Breakfast; Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. Day; Holocaust Days of Remembrance; and so forth.
Local events may include charitable fund drives or
burials at sea. Command occurrences maybe memorial
observances, picnics, or social events.
Some examples of your responsibilities for special
events and programs may include diagraming your
chaplains support requirements for a special service
and burial at sea, rigging and unrigging for a special
service and burial at sea, advising personnel on CRP
events and programs, preparing bulletins for CRP events
other than worship, and implementing plans for CRP
Your other important responsibilities will
include documenting historical data, diagraming
programs, retaining plans, and detailing evaluation
results for future use.
General support for your CRP, RMF, or chaplain
will include several areas not specifically associated
with the arena of worship. Some examples of general
support may involve your duties and responsibilities for
areas such as media centers, printing and publications,
worship models, literature and periodicals, chaplain
backing, and chaplain defense.
Your RMFs media center should include a variety
of audiovisual tools. A broad selection of audiovisual
tools can be and are used within all aspects of religious
program support.
Audiovisual Tools and Media
Audiovisual tools include projected audiovisuals,
such as filmstrips, slides, motion pictures, videotapes,
overhead transparencies, opaque materials, tapes, and
recordings. All other audiovisuals are included in a
group usually called nonprojected or direct viewing
audiovisual tools. This category consists of bulletin
boards, chalkboards, charts, clingboards, dioramas,
flash cards, flat pictures, globes, maps, models, murals,
objects (realia) and posters. Figure 2-13 provides
examples of each of these tools.
The use of the word media communication
devices refers to both types of audiovisuals and to
printed materials as well. Remember, CRPS are in the
communication business and chaplains are primarily
teachers and leaders. As the chaplains assistant, you
should use audiovisuals for a variety of presentations
because they enhance or focus concentration, teach
soundly, make learning consistent, pace the showing,
connect time as well as distance gaps, give alternate
events, aid recall, increase participation, enlarge variety
in presentations, deepen understanding, and make
instruction more pleasing.
Audiovisual Equipment and Accessories
To function, audiovisual equipment often requires
different types of accessories. Charts or directions will