CT Cassette tape
CTFS Cassette tape for a filmstrip
OH Overhead transparency
SL Slide
VC Videocassette tape
E Equipment
SETUPS AND DISPLAYS. There are several
things that you as a RMF media center staff person can
learn to help others use media materials and equipment
more efficiently. You can learn how to help make setups
or to make your own audiovisual. You can learn to set up
practical displays. You can learn how to conduct preview
sessions. You can acquire items that are not in your media
centers collection just by knowing where and how you can
obtain them by loan, purchase, or rental.
Requirements. As an RMF media staff person, you
should follow certain basic managerial procedures for
setting up and managing audiovisual equipment and
systems. Some of your responsibilities will include
setting up and pretesting systems, determining lighting
requirements, controlling lighting, processing media
center assets, controlling circulation of resources,
coordinating the media inventory, and maintaining the
Checklist. Another procedure you should use is
to provide a checklist for persons wishing to use
audiovisual equipment.
Your checklist should be
divided into two parts: Part 1 should pertain to the
specific type of media; part 2 should pertain to the
audience and facility.
Previews. Remember, the use of audiovisual
media must be preceded by preview and practice.
Attention always must be given to the facilities and
seating of the audience.
Viewing Area. Figure 2-16 shows the best
viewing area if the image exactly fills the width of the
Figure 2-16.Most favorable viewing area.