For each event or activity, you and the chaplains also
must determine the target audience and provide the
following information about the event:
A description, including the advantages of
The location
The time
The goal of the publicity
The publicity media to be used
When the publicity should be released
When an evaluation of the publicity should
When completed, this information for each event
should be presented to the PAO for review, comments,
and suggestions.
Standard Navy News Release
A Navy news release is an official Navy statement
prepared in news story form. The release of CRP
information is done by or with the assistance of the PAO.
You are not expected to be a journalist, but you are
expected to be able to prepare short news and publicity
drafts that concern your RMFs activities and events.
Most PAOs use a printed heading for their news
releases. The headlines are attractive and help media
representatives identify the source of the news release
more readily. In submitting a news release, remember
you should keep it simple, brief, in good taste, and
suitable for all types of readers. Remember, it is the
news value of the material, not the package in which it
comes, that is the important factor.
Figure 2-18 is a sample of a news release. Notice
the heading in this release. Always include in your
heading the name, address, ZIP Code, and telephone
number of the originating command; the date you want
the item released; and a release number, particularly if
you release items on a regular basis.
The timing of a news release is as important as its
content. Most releases are distributed for immediate
release. Occasionally, however, you may want to use
hold for release, in which
authorized release date.
double-spaced, typed
word-for-word accurate.
case you would submit an
News releases must be
on one side only, and
Your CRP will use printed materials to send out
information concerning religious programs within the
command. Your RMF can either procure this material
or prepare it locally.
A few types of printed media that you can use to
distribute information about the RMFs CRP to military
persons and their families are presented in figure 2-19.
The primary target group for each medium is also
indicated. In the following paragraphs, lets take a look
at some of these media.
Worship Bulletins
Bulletins are printed outlines of worship containing
devotional and religious rites, funerals and memorials,
seasonal observances, holy days, or announcements.
Worship bulletins regularly provide assembled
congregations with an order of worship. Worship
bulletins fulfill a variety of purposes. In fact, worship
bulletins are an appropriate medium for almost all types
of religious events.
SAMPLES. You can find samples of prepared
bulletin covers in the most current edition of NAVSUP
Pub 2002, Section II - Forms. You can order these
samples by filling out a DD Form 1348. For Marine
Corps activities, you can order sample bulletins through
the unit/activity supply office. Worship bulletins
appropriate for specific faith groups, or certain events,
may be obtained through a variety of religious goods
FORMATS. A photoready copy of a standard
worship bulletin is 8 1/2 inchesfrom top to
bottomby 11 inchesfrom side to side, or 8 1/2
inches by 14 inches. The form may be divided in half.
In this case, one page of the bulletin will be on one half
and the concluding portion will be on the other half.
Another option is a three-column bulletin that can be
trifolded. Figure 2-20 illustrates a typical bulletin for a
Protestant service showing a variety of application
options. Note the use of graphic lines, shadow, bold,
and different font sizes.
PRODUCTION. Using a word processing
application program will allow you to use your
imagination to produce clear, imaginative, innovative,
and attractive bulletins. In addition to graphic lines,