Israelites; and delivered Gods word to the
MOSQUE Islamic worship center.
MULLAH A graduate of an Islamic college. A
teacher of Islam.
MUSLIM A believer or follower of Islam.
NARTHEX A vestibule leading to the nave of a
worship center or church.
NAVE The main part of the interior of a worship
center or church.
NEW AGE MOVEMENT A religious, spiritual, and
social movement that gained prominence in the
1980s pertaining to cultural concerns and spiritual
values and often combining beliefs in reincarnation,
astrology, holistic medicine, metaphysics, and
strong ecological awareness and concerns.
NIRVANA In Buddhism, the state representing the
highest stage of enlightenment or paradise; the
highest stage of goodness.
ORDER A community under a religious rule, usually
one in which members must take a solemn vow. In
Christianity, any one of several grades of ministry
or the office of a person in the ministry. Generally,
a group of people united in some type of formal way.
Also referred to as a military or religious decoration.
ORDINATION The act of being or having been
ordained; that is, to be or have been invested or
appointed officially with ministerial or priestly
ORTHODOX CHURCH See Eastern Orthodox
ORTHODOX JUDAISM The branch of Judaism
that adheres to the scriptures of the Torah and
Talmud as interpreted by authoritative rabbinic law
and applied to traditional principles and laws of
Jewish life.
OUTPUT DEVICE A device that renders data
produced by a computer (output) in some usable
form either directly to the user, to another computer,
or to some form of storage. The most commonly
used output device in most office settings is the
OUTREACH PROGRAM A special, time-limited
program sponsored by an RMF in which special
needs are identified through marketing research and
goals accomplished by means of humanitarian or
community service projects, representing an
extension of spiritual renewal emanating from the
people served by and associated with the RMF.
PASSOVER Jewish holy day celebrated for 8 days in
spring representing the flight of the ancient
Israelites from Egyptian slavery.
PASTORAL CARE Spiritual care and guidance
provided by chaplains to the persons served by an
RMF or other authorized persons.
PASTORAL COUNSELING Counseling provided
by a chaplain of an RMF to command personnel and
their families regarding personal, professional,
spiritual, and emotional matters.
PENANCE A sacramental rite practiced in some
Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Anglican
faith groups. It usually consists of confession,
absolution, and a penance directed by the confessor.
Generally, an act of devotion or sorrow to show
repentance for sin.
PERIODICAL LITERATURE In general libraries,
periodical literature includes any type of
publication, such as a magazine, published at
regular intervals. In libraries, magazines are often
referred to as periodicals.
components required for an individual user to input
data and to have it processed, stored, and readied for
output in some usable form. In a typical office
setting, these basic components usually consist of a
central processing unit (CPU) (the computer itself),
monitor (display or screen), keyboard (input
device), and printer (output device).
PERSONAL PRIVACY In pastoral counseling, the
right guaranteed to an individual engaged in a
fiduciary relationship with any person under the
authority of the Office of the Chaplain to have any
communicated information safeguarded against
unauthorized disclosure. Also, an individuals
rights regarding access to or the collection,
safeguarding, storage, alteration, use, and
distribution of personal information.
PLURALISM A state of society in which members
of diverse religious, ethnic, racial, and social
cultures or groups maintain their tradition values
while being part of a broad community. In
providing religious ministry to all sea service
personnel, all persons associated with the Office of
the Chaplain must acknowledge and respect
religious pluralism among the persons they serve.