Hebrew prophets and on way of life according to
Gods laws as written in the Torah. Judaism was the
precursor of both Christianity and Islam. Currently,
there are three major branches of Judaism:
Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform.
JUDEO-CHRISTIAN Term associated with any
element of culture or religion having its roots in both
Judaism and Christianity.
KORAN The sacred book of Islam containing the
words of Allah as revealed to Mohammed. Also
known as the Quran and Quoran.
KOSHER Hebrew term denoting those foods that are
judged to be fit or proper for consumption according
to biblical (Jewish) and rabbinic dietary laws.
LAMA A master or spiritual guide in Tibetan
LAY READER In Christianity, a lay person who is
authorized to conduct portions of worship services
not requiring an ordained member of the clergy.
LIBRARY OFFICER A Navy officer or petty officer
assigned to plan, organize, and administer a
shipboard general library.
LITURGICAL RITES A body of rites prescribed for
public worship.
Sometimes also referred to as
Eucharistic rites.
LITURGY A rite commonly prescribed for public
worship. In some religions, a rite that is also
referred to as a Eucharistic rite.
LOGISTICS SUPPORT In the RP rating, the
support aspects and requirements associated with
procurement, maintenance, transportation, and care
of the appropriate required liturgical gear, field
liturgical equipment and kits, and all the forms,
supplies, and services required for the smooth
operation of an RMF.
LUSTRAL Holy water used by Buddhist monks for
ceremonies and rituals.
MAHAYANA A branch of Buddhism commonly
practiced among Buddhists in the United States.
MARKETING A variety of functions involved in
establishing and reaching a market for an outreach
program associated with an RMF and publicizing
the results.
MATRIMONY Often conducted as a religious and
social ritual, the official joining of a man and
woman as husband and wife or of two individuals
as a couple.
MECCA The holy city of Islam.
MEDIA CENTER Area provided in an RMF for the
procurement, storage, maintenance, inventory, and
distribution of audiovisual media such as filmstrips,
slides, motion pictures, videotapes, overhead
transparencies, tapes, recordings, bulletin boards,
charts, clipboards, flat pictures, maps, murals,
globes, models, and other media as well as
audiovisual equipment and accessories for use in
religious education, special events, and other
programs sponsored or supported by the RMF.
MENORAH Jewish candelabrum, especially with
seven branches.
MIDRASH Rabbinic commentary on the Bible,
clarifying legal points or bringing out lessons by
stories, parables, or legends.
MILITARY FUNERALS The customs, traditions,
and honors associated with the funeral and burial
services of active duty, retired, and former members
of the military service in honor of the deceased
members service to his or her country.
MILITARY WEDDINGS A wedding ceremony that
takes place in an RMF involving military personnel
in uniform and the tradition of honoring the bride.
MINISTER An ordained member of the clergy who
officiates during public worship. In Christianity, an
ordained member of the clergy of several of the
Protestant faith groups. A superior of one of several
religious orders.
MINISTRY The office, duties, responsibilities,
functions, of ordained members of the clergy and
support personnel as they promote the exercise of
religion. In the Navy and Marine Corps, ministry is
provided to military members and their families and
dependents to encourage and promote the free
exercise of religion among sea services personnel.
MISSIONARY WORK A ministry authorized and
supported by a religious organization to spread its
faith and promote humanitarian works.
MOHAMMED The Holy Prophet of Islam.
MONK In Buddhism and other specific religions, a
monk is a holy man.
MONOGAMY The state or custom of being married
to only one person at a time.
MOSES The Hebrew prophet who led the ancient
Israelites out of Egyptian slavery; received Gods
revelation, laws, and covenant with the ancient