NOTE: Also refer to appendix III for terms associated with Christian liturgical
gear, garments, objects, rituals, and symbols. Most of the terms and descriptions in
appendix III are not presented or duplicated in appendix I.
ACTIVITY CALENDAR An official schedule of
events for an RMF.
office of the chaplain in an RMF in which the
administrative and counseling functions take place.
AISLE An area in the worship center of an RMF that
is used as a passageway separating sections of seats.
A side of the nave separated from the nave proper.
ALLAH Arabic or Islamic word for God.
ALTAR The area in an RMF worship center that
serves a the center of worship or ritual. A table or
elevated area on which the Eucharistic elements are
consecrated. A raised structure or place on which
sacrifices are offered or incense is burned in the
ritual of worship.
ARK The enclosed structure, freestanding or built
into the wall of the synagogue, that houses the
Jewish scrolls of the law.
AUDIT BOARD Board composed of at least two
members that monitors and oversees the collection
and distribution of monies associated with the
religious offering fund.
TIONS Special collections from which naval
personnel can borrow publications by letter request
to enhance intellectual or professional growth.
BANNER A ceremonial standard made of cloth,
usually rectangular in shape and adorned with
pictures, religious emblems, or some symbol. A
banner is usually attached to a crossbar at the top of
a rod. It can be carried in a procession or used to
decorate a wall.
BAPTISM A Christian sacrament marked by the
ritual use of water signifying the initiation and
admittance of the person being baptized into
the Christian community. A ritual act of
BAPTISTERY A part of the RMF used for baptism.
BAR MITZVAH Ceremony for Jewish boys, held on
the 13th birthday, celebrating the coming of age of
BAT MITZVAH Ceremony for Jewish girls, held on
the 12th or 13th birthday, celebrating the coming of
age of responsibility.
BHIKKU Buddhist clergy.
BIMAH A raised platform with a readers desk or
table from which the reading of the law and other
Jewish liturgical functions are conducted.
method the chaplains office can use to make small
purchases in the open market. It provides a
simplified procedure of setting up charge accounts
with certain sources of supply.
BONZE A Buddhist monk of the Far East.
Characteristics associated with the robe of a
Buddhist monk.
BUDDHA Prince Siddhartha, Indian philosopher and
founder of Buddhism.
BUDDHISM A religion of eastern and central Asia
originating from the teachings of Gautama Buddha.
BULLETIN A printed outline or agenda of a
devotional or religious service conducted within the
worship center of an RMF.
BURNOUT Emotional exhaustion resulting from
continued, unresolved stress.
CANTOR A synagogue official who sings or chants
liturgical music and leads the congregation in
prayer during Jewish services.
CARD CATALOG In a general library, the patrons
index of the librarys collections. In a media center,
a card index of the media centers equipment and