CASSOCK A close-fitting, ankle-length garment
with long narrow sleeves that fastens from neck to
foot and is worn as an undergarment during
liturgical functions.
of a computer that interprets and executes
instructions. It is often referred to as the brain of
the computer.
CEREMONIAL GUARD Specially trained
ceremonial personnel or voluntary funeral honors
personnel who perform at national cemeteries for
graveside services and other associated events.
CHANCEL That area of the church or worship
center, usually around the altar, assigned to the
officiating clergy and choir. Also see Sanctuary.
communication associated with the New Age
movement. A form of communication with the
spirits of the deceased.
CHAPEL A place for worship services. A chapel
may also have a special purpose, such as the
reservation of the Blessed Sacrament or use as a
CHAPLAIN An ordained religious leader of any
endorsing faith group who is officially attached to a
branch of the military.
CHAPLAIN BACKING The concept of the primary
duty of the RP to support and protect the chaplain
so the chaplain can carry out official duties.
CHAPLAIN DEFENSE The concept of the RPs
duty during wartime or combat to protect the
chaplain as the chaplain administers to personnel.
Trained as combatants, RPs serve as the first
defense of military chaplains who are
CHAPLAINS ASSISTANTA person, not in the RP
rating, who serves as a paid or volunteer assistant to
the chaplain.
CHOIR An organized body of singers that performs
during worship services. The part of the chancel
between the sanctuary and the nave.
CHRIST In Christianity, the Messiah or Jesus
symbolizing the ideal type or form of humanity.
CHRISTIANITY The religion derived from the
teachings of Jesus Christ and practiced by Eastern,
Roman Catholic, and Protestant faith groups.
CHUPPAH Bridal canopy used in a Jewish wedding
tion determined to be in the interest of national
security and labeled protected against unauthorized
CLASSIFIED MATERIAL Any matter, document,
product, or substance inscribed with classified
CLERGY The official or sacerdotal class of a
The provision of the opportunity for the free
exercise of religion by the members of a command
and their dependents and providing the ministries
appropriate to their rights and needs. Provided
through the CRP are officiating clergy, RPs,
facilities such as the religious ministries facility
(RMF) and services such as worship services,
liturgies, rites, religious education, pastoral
ministries, humanitarian projects, counseling, and
referral services. The RP must support the goals of
the CRP.
COMMEMORATION To acknowledge by
ceremony, observance, or ritual. One of the four
concepts upon which Christian rites and ceremonies
are based.
COMPUTER LITERATE In computer language,
the characteristic of being functionally
knowledgeable in the use of computer equipment,
systems, programs, and software.
commitment and act on the part of all fiduciary
personnel of safeguarding all private and personal
information against unauthorized disclosure.
CONFIRMATION In Christianity, the rite of
conferring the gift of the Holy Spirit. Among
Protestant religions, the rite of conferring full
church membership.
In Judaism, a ceremony
confirming Jewish youths in their ancestral faith.
CONSECRATION The act or ceremony of the
The act of making or declaring
something or someone sacred. The act of inducting
a person by means of a religious rite. The part of a
communion rite in which the bread and wine are
CONSERVATIVE JUDAISM Judaism as practiced
among some Jews of the United States with