exercise of religion of all authorized persons
regardless of faith group association.
Christianity, the less structured style of liturgical rite
used in some Protestant faith groups.
FUNERAL Religious observances held for a dead
person usually before burial or cremation.
G E N E R A L L I B R A R Y A collection of
well-balanced, uncensored, unbiased books,
periodicals, and other print and nonprint media
covering a variety of general subject areas and to be
used by naval personnel, their dependents, and other
authorized personnel for their intellectual growth
and education.
program for providing general libraries afloat and
ashore to be used by naval personnel, their
dependents, or other authorized persons.
GENERAL SUPPORT Concept relating to general
RP duties for chaplain support and backing
including responsibilities for libraries, media
centers, printing and publications, worship models,
logistics, supply, and other support requirements for
the RMF and CRP.
GRAPHICS In computer language, the ability of a
program to produce illustrations.
HAJJ In Islam, the sacred pilgrimage of the faithful
to Mecca.
HANUKKAH The Jewish festival of lights
celebrated in December.
HARDWARE In computer terminology, hardware is
the computer equipment that includes the computer
or CPU itself, keyboard, printer, and monitor.
HOLIDAY Originating from holy days, a day in
commemoration of an event or person on which one
may be exempt from a normal work schedule.
HOLISTIC HEALING A type of healing combining
medical and spiritual aspects emphasizing the
organic or functional relationship between parts and
HONORS CEREMONY In military weddings, the
ceremony of forming an arch of swords or weapons
under which the bride and groom pass.
IBADAT In Islam, the obligatory acts of worship
known as the Five Pillars of Islam.
IMAM In Islam, the chief officer or leader of the
congregation of a mosque.
IMPREST FUND Similar to a petty cash fund, the
imprest fund provides a simple, economic, and
strictly controlled method of making emergency
purchases of supply items not exceeding 0.
INCLUSIVENESS Broad in orientation or scope.
As a goal of Navy and Marine Corps religious
ministries, the characteristic of covering a variety of
services to all authorized military personnel, their
dependents, and other authorized persons to
promote the free exercise of religion, regardless of
faith group, denomination, or choice of belief.
Liturgical Rite.
DIRECTORY An up-to-date compilation of
information including applicable Navy, Marine
Corps, and civilian programs, facilities, and
organizations that can provide services to the people
served by an RMF. This directory is a very valuable
tool Navy chaplains can use in their efforts to
administer to military personnel and their families
in meeting and overcoming a variety of problems
including those associated with deployment,
separation, duty tours, stress, illness, crises, and
other emergencies. A major responsibility of the RP
is to compile and upgrade this directory.
INPUT DEVICE A device such as a keyboard or
mouse by which facts are entered into a computer.
ISLAM Religion of the followers of the teachings of
Mohammed, According to the Quran (Koran), the
name of the true religion meaning submission to
ISRAEL The republic of Israel, also known as the
modern homeland of the Jewish people.
JESUS The Jewish religious teacher whose life,
death, and resurrection, as reported by the
Evangelists, formed the basis of the Christian
JEWISH CALENDAR A calendar used among
Jewish peoples dating from about 3761 before the
Christian era. The Jewish calendar, or luah, is a
guide to religious observances as well as a date
JUDAISM A major religion originating among the
ancient Hebrews and based on the belief in one God
who revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and the