is the object of the preposition that begins the
It is normally followed by an exclamation point
phrase. For example:
when it is not included in the body of the sentence.
For example:
The chaplain is the director of the religious
I fear, alas, that something has happened
to him!
Of is the preposition and the noun program
is the object of the preposition in this example.
The preposition of connects the prepositional
phrase (of the religious program) to the noun
director. Several of the most common single
prepositions are: at, by, of, in, on, to, for, from,
into, with, about, before, behind, during, except,
around, against, beside, between, and through.
Some expressions that are used as prepositions
consist of two or more words. These prepositions
are referred to as compound prepositions. A
few of the most common compound prepositions
are: as to, as for, according to, along with,
because of, by way of, in addition to, in
accordance with, instead of, in case of, in place
of, in regard to, in respect to, and in compliance
A conjunction is a word that is used to connect
other words, phrases, or clauses. For example:
The RP issued paper and pencils.
She walked out of the office and
into the chapel complex.
The bell sounded and we began to work.
The word and is the conjunction in all three
of these examples. This word is used to connect
the words paper and pencils in the first
example; the phrases out of the office and
into the chapel complex in the second example;
and the clauses
The bell sounded and
we began to work in the third example.
Alas! I fear that something has happened
to him!
A sentence is a group of words that are used
together to express or convey a complete thought.
It may include any of the eight parts of speech;
however, the parts of speech that are used must
be combined accurately to form a correct
sentence. The two essential elements of a sentence
that are used to express a complete thought are the
subject and the predicate. NOTE: Besides the
subject and predicate, sentences may also contain
clauses and/or phrases. A clause is a group of
words that contains a subject and predicate and
is used as a part of the sentence. The main clause
expresses a complete thought and can stand alone
as a sentence. Subordinate clauses do not express
a complete thought and must always be used in
conjunction with a main clause. A phrase is a
group of words that is used as a single part of
speech. It does not contain a verb and its subject
is not complete in itself. A phrase cannot stand
The subject is a word or a group of words
about which something is being said. It is the
subject of the discourse and names the person or
thing about which the author of the sentence is
writing. The subject may be either a single word
(simple subject) or several words (complete
subject). For example:
Sailors travel.
The command chaplain supervises the
program for the commanding officer.
An interjection is a word that expresses strong
feeling or sudden emotion. It may be placed
Sailors is the simple subject in the first example
within the body of the sentence or it may precede
and chaplain is the simple subject in the second
the sentence. When it is included in the body of
example. Command chaplain is the complete
the sentence, it is usually followed by a comma.
subject in the second example.