It should be noted that some Government
agency abbreviations and all U.S. Navy rank
abbreviations are written without periods. For
The comma is that mark of punctuation used
in writing to indicate a slight pause or a separation
of words, phrases, or clauses from other parts of
the sentence that are not closely connected. It is
the most frequently used mark of punctuation.
Examples of various uses of the comma are
shown below.
To separate words, phrases, or clauses
used in a series in a sentence.
This is an accurate, sturdy, dependable
compass. (words)
Guards are stationed inside the building,
at the door, and at the gate. (phrases)
Senior Chief Taylor tried to do the work,
but he did not have the right tools. (clauses
of a compound sentence).
To separate nonrestrictive clauses
They asked Chief Gibson, who was the
instructor, to explain the material.
To separate an adverbial clause at the
beginning of the sentence.
When Corporal Johns heard the alarm, he
went to his post.
To separate the name of a city, a state, or
a county.
Houston, Texas - Escambia County,
NOTE: A comma should also be placed after
the name of the state in a sentence when the city
and state are used together.
Houston, Texas, is in the South.
To separate items in a date.
Monday, October 26, 1942
NOTE: A comma should also be placed after
the year in a sentence when the date and year are
used together.
On Monday, October 26, 1942, he started
his new job.
To separate an appositive (noun or
pronounoften with modifiersset beside
another noun or pronoun to identify it).
Your friend, Bill, is the coach.
My brothers car, a sporty convertible, is
the one we like to drive.
To separate parenthetical expressions (side
remarks or comments).
Your suggestion, we are glad to say, has
been adopted.
To set off yes, no, well, etc., at the
beginning of a sentence.
Yes, this is my book.
No, Seaman Jones is not here.
Well, what can we do?
To set off persons addressed in a sentence.
What is your opinion, Commander?
I hope, my friend, that you have learned
a lesson.
The semicolon and the comma are used in
much the same way in a sentence. A semicolon
generally serves to indicate a more definite break
in a sentence than that indicated by the comma.
Either a comma or a semicolon may be used in
compound and complex sentences to separate
clauses. The mark used is determined by the
meaning and how much of a break is required in
the sentence. The semicolon provides a more