The apostrophe is used to indicate
omission of letters in a contraction and numbers
in a date. For example:
its (it is)
whos (who is)
class of 54 (1954)
The Religious Program Specialist is normally
tasked with typing, proofreading, and routing all
correspondence that is prepared in the office of
the chaplain. It is important for the RP to
remember that the Department of the Navy
Correspondence Manual (SECNAVINST 5216.5)
provides detailed information on preparing naval
correspondence. Also, the RP should consult
personnel in the administrative office when
questions arise concerning correspondence
Naval letters including authorized variations,
the requirements for using special types of
correspondence, and the business style letter are
explained in the first sections of this chapter.
Various aspects of grammar are covered in the
latter sections of this chapter. It should be noted
that RPs should be familiar with the basic rules
of grammar since they are responsible for
proofreading the correspondence prepared in the
office of the chaplain.