Managing the office of the chaplain, 2-1 to 2-47
For Official Use Only (FOUO) information
and records, 2-15
general appearance of office spaces,
2-1 to 2-2
office arrangement, 2-2
RPs desk, the, 2-1
stowage of materials, 2-2
office equipment, 2-2 to 2-6
dry electrical process machines, 2-6
Mimeograph operation and
maintenance, 2-4
spirit process duplicator operation
and maintenance, 2-4 to 2-6
typewriter maintenance, 2-2 to 2-4
office procedures for CRP personnel,
2-6 to 2-8
CRP planning, 2-8
receptionist duties, 2-6
telephone communications, 2-7
privileged communications, 2-8, 2-11
screening enlisted service records, 2-15
confidentiality, 2-43
description of service record pages,
2-19 to 2-47
service record folder, 2-16 to 2-19
security of classified material, 2-11 to 2-15
Information Security Program,
2-11 to 2-15
physical security of classified
material, 2-15
summary, 2-43
Manual of Advancement, 4-6
Marine Corps publications, 4-35 to 4-36
MILPERSMAN, Naval Military Personnel
Manual, 4-5
Mimeograph operation and maintenance, 2-4
Naval funerals, 4-32 to 4-35
Naval General Library Manual, 4-35
Naval letter, standard, 5-1 to 5-9
Navy military funerals, 4-32
Navy Occupation/Training and Awards History,
2-32 to 2-35
Navy Stock List of Publications and Forms,
Nonappropriated Fund Accounting Procedures,
Nonappropriated Fund Financial Management
Policies and Standards, 4-27 to 4-30
Office equipment, 2-2 to 2-6
dry electrical process machines, 2-6
Mimeograph operation and maintenance, 2-4
spirit process duplicator operation and
maintenance, 2-4 to 2-6
typewriter maintenance, 2-2, 2-4
Office procedures for CRP personnel, 2-6 to 2-8
CRP planning, 2-8
receptionist duties, 2-6
telephone communications, 2-7
Office spaces, general appearance, 2-1 to 2-2
office arrangement, 2-2
RPs desk, the, 2-1
stowage of materials, 2-2
Operating Procedures Manual for MILSTRIP/
MILSTRAP, 4-17 to 4-19
Privileged communications, 2-8, 2-11
Publications and directives, 4-1 to 4-46
Command Religious Program publications,
4-25 to 4-35
Chaplains Manual, 4-26
Decedent Affairs Manual, 4-31 to 4-32
Naval Funerals, 4-32 to 4-35
Naval General Library Manual, 4-35
Navy Casualty Assistance Calls
Program (CACP), 4-30 to 4-31
Navy Military Funerals, 4-32
Nonappropriated Fund Accounting
Procedures, 4-30
Nonappropriated Fund Financial
Management Policies and Standards,
4-27 to 4-30
U.S. Navy Chaplains Program Support
Guide, 4-27
correspondence/directives publications,
4-10 to 4-13
Department of the Navy
Correspondence Manual, 4-12
Department of the Navy Directives
Issuance System, 4-12
Standard Navy Distribution List
(SNDL), 4-13
Standard Subject Identification Codes
(SSICs), 4-13
Directives Issuance System, 4-36 to 4-38
administration, 4-37 to 4-38
letter-type directives, 4-38 to 4-43