sentences and not change the meaning. For
The predicate is a word or a group of words
that state something about the subject and
includes everything in the sentence that is not
included in the complete subject. This means that
the complete predicate includes the simple
predicate with its modifiers and the object with
its modifiers. For example:
Sailors travel.
The command chaplain supervises the
program for the commanding officer.
Travel is the simple predicate in the first
example and supervises is the simple predicate
in the second example. Supervises the program
for the commanding officer is the complete
predicate in the second example.
The chapel fund administrator is rewriting
this instruction.
He will submit his draft to the command
chaplain for approval.
sentence is one that consists of at least one
independent clause and one or more dependent
clauses. Major emphasis is placed on the
independent clause and the dependent clause gains
its meaning from the independent clause. The
clauses in a complex sentence that has only two
clauses are joined by a subordinating conjunction.
For example:
You earn money while you work.
While is the subordinating conjunction in this
Classification of Sentences
example. You earn money is the independent
clause and while you work is the dependent
Sentences may be classified according to
structure (simple, compound, complex, and
compound-complex) or according to meaning
A compound-complex sentence consists of a
(declarative, imperative, interrogative, and
compound sentence (one with two or more
exclamatory). These classifications are discussed
independent clauses) and at least one dependent
in the following paragraphs.
clause. For example:
SIMPLE SENTENCE. A simple sentence is
one that consists of a single independent clause
and no subordinate clauses. The simple sentence
always contains one subject and one verb. For
The command chaplain supervised the
sentence has two or more independent clauses that
are related in thought and joined by one or more
coordinating conjunctions. For example:
The chapel fund administrator is rewriting
this instruction, and he will submit his draft to
the command chaplain for approval.
Some of the employees who worked during
the war years have retired, but many of them are
still employed in the same office.
The words who worked during the war years
form the dependent clause. Some of the
employees have retired and many of them are
still employed in the same office are the
independent clauses and could stand alone as two
complete sentences.
tive sentence is one that makes a statement. Such
a sentence ends with a period. The normal
grammatical order of the parts of a declarative
sentence is the subject first followed by the
predicate with all its modifiers. For example:
I found her book on my desk.
And is the coordinating conjunction in this
example. It should be noted that the above
I is the subject; found is the predicate; and
example could have been written as two complete
book is the object in this example.