advance so you can discuss these needs with the
religious education directors and teacher-volunteers.
In preparation for enrollment day, gather
construction paper for use in making name tags,
scissors, felt-tip markers, and masking tape. You may
want to create banners with a theme. Create two
posters with enrollment instructions, one for those
already enrolled and another for prospective
enrollees. Arrive early to setup an enrollment room.
Provide enough chairs for expected attendance and,
by all means, have an adequate supply of enrollment
cards on hand.
There are several important lessons every RP must
learn about rigging and unrigging. First, always allow
yourself enough time. Second, everything has its place
and everything should be in its place. Third, make
yourself a checklist, review the checklist, then review
the checklist again. Finally, remember the one small
detail you might forget will get you in trouble every
time. The more organized you are, the better the
religious education program will be. Having an all-
inclusive checklist will be an asset. Figure 3-5
Figure 3-5.Checklist for rigging and unrigging a religious education program.