FMF. The following three paragraphs are intended to
provide you with a summary of this information.
Included in each MAGTF operational deployment block
are consumable and nonconsumable items for chaplains
of the MAGTF. The FFSG command chaplain makes
recommendations to the group, based on feedback from
other command chaplains, as to the stockage level (types
and quantities of items) of consumables and
nonconsumable and acts to ensure that such items are
easily procured by MAGTF chaplains.
chaplains must procure items from the operational
deployment block according to existing procedures by
submitting required documentation to the
command/unit supply officer. The supply officer
submits proper documentation to the deployment
support unit (DSU) who issues the items to the supply
officer. The DSU reorders items depleted from the
operational deployment block from the supported
activities supply system (SASSY) management unit
COMBAT SUPPLIES (30 DAYS). All chaplains
in the FMF maintain a 30-day supply of consumable and
nonconsumable items that are to be used only for
combat. These supplies are maintained in a locked
mountout box, ready for immediate embarkation.
The Navy supply system supports the material
needs of the Navy. The system is a group of activities
that furnish most of the materials needed to meet the
supply needs of afloat and ashore installations. To
achieve its aim of meeting the supply needs of the Navy,
the system procures, distributes, and controls the
inventory and storing of materials.
Every RP must be familiar with the Navy supply
system to be able to meet the requirements of this system
and to be able to obtain the required support for the CRP.
The purchase of ecclesiastical materials or supplies in
support of the CRP is handled through normal Navy and
Marine Corps supply channels. As an RP, you will play
a major role in the procurement of these materials. It is
crucial that you recognize what goods the Navy
authorizes, where to obtain them, the forms you should
use to procure them, and the preparation procedures you
should use for completing and submitting the forms.
Requisitioning Supplies
If you are the CRP supply petty officer, you will be
given training by your activitys supply department to
enable you to properly fill out the required forms and
maintain the necessary supply records. These forms
must have such information as the national stock
number (NSN) of the item, its unit of issue, the quantity
requested, the cost of the item, and a document number
consisting of a date code and requisitioner code.
Your chaplain may sign the form before you submit
it to the supply department. At some activities, the
chaplain or department head may require the form to be
logged in a master log that is kept within the office of
the chaplain for accounting purposes. Once you have
the form signed and logged in, take it to the supply
department for issue if the material is available or if it is
to be ordered through the supply system. Carefully
inspect any material that you receive before you accept
it. If the shipment is satisfactory, sign for it and return
the form for the office records.
Using the Imprest Fund
If your ship or unit has an imprest fund, you can
make emergency purchases across the counter and pay
for them with cash. The imprest fund provides a simple
and economical method for purchasing items that do not
exceed 0. It is similar to the petty cash funds used
by the private sector, but requires a strictly controlled
The imprest fund is in the custody of a member of
the supply department who acts as the imprest fund
cashier. When a purchase is required, this person
advances these funds to the person who is to pick up the
merchandise (you or your representative) and will
require you to sign a receipt for the money. The cashier
retains the receipt and gives you a receipt for cash, which
you and the cashier fill in. Later, the supplier will fill in
the receipt at the time the purchase is actually made.
Before attempting to purchase supplies in this
manner, you should contact the supplier to determine if
the materials are available and their selling prices. You
should then make arrangements to pick up the money
early in the morning so you can obtain the supplies and
return the forms to the cashier the same day.
The person who picks up the money should carry
the money and all the forms to the supplier. Once the
purchase is complete, have the supplier fill in the forms.
After returning to the ship or unit, you must turn the