commands may issue instructions containing
guidelines and restrictions pertaining to procurement
by local purchase. On ships without Supply Corps
officers, the CO is authorized to make local purchases
under the same circumstances as a Supply Corps
officer on other ships.
Use the procedures outlined in the Military
Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures
(MILSTRIP) to order material from the Navy supply
system, other military installations, the Defense
Logistics Agency, and the General Services
MILSTRIP Requisitioning Forms
Use of a coded, single line item document for
each supply transaction is the basis of MILSTRIP
requisitioning. Figure 6-14 shows the documents for
MILSTRIP requisitioning.
Purchase on the Open Market
You may obtain requirements for supplies or
services by purchase on the open market when all the
following conditions exist:
There is an immediate and urgent
requirement for authorized supplies or services.
The supplies or services are not available at
the local supply support activity.
Time is of the essence and scheduled
operations will not permit procurement through Navy
shore-based purchasing activities.
Other purchase restrictions may be imposed by
the senior officer present afloat (SOPA), particularly
when the ship is in foreign ports. When authorized by
the type commander, the supply officer may make
routine purchases of supplies and services when the
value does not exceed ,500 and all the following
conditions exist:
The supplies or services are not available at
the local supply support activity.
The supply department complement is
sufficient to handle the additional workload involved
without detrimental effects.
The supply officer is reasonably familiar with
the local market area in the vicinity where the ship is
All transactions are made by an approved
small purchase method providing for the immediate
delivery of the material purchased.
Figure 6-14.Documents for MILSTRIP requisitioningContinued.