The basic altar assembly of these items is shown
in figure 6-10.
NOTE: Consult with your chaplain to find out
any additional requirements or changes to these basic
instructions. Preferences may vary among individual
To lay out Protestant vestments for divine services,
you will likely need the following items:
Surplice (1)
Cassock (1)
Clerics robe (1)
Stole (1)
Field table for displaying vestments (1)
Take the following steps:
1. Hang the cassock on a hook so it is
convenient for the chaplain and will not drag
on the floor or ground.
2. Hang the clerics robe on a hook so it is
convenient for the chaplain but not dragging
on the floor or ground.
3. Lay the surplice neatly on the field table
with the back folded up so as to allow the
chaplain easy access.
4. Lay the stole on the field table so it is
convenient for the chaplain.
NOTE: These procedures and items may vary
according to the preference of your chaplain. Consult
with your chaplain to determine if there are any
changes to be made to the basic instructions.
Roman Catholic Chaplains
Combat Kit Type I.
The Roman Catholic (RC) combat kit, type I, is
intended for use by Roman Catholic chaplains under
field and combat conditions. The following items are
usually included in an RC combat kit:
Chalice paten
Communion paten
Candleholders (2)
Candles (2)
Flame protectors (2)
Bottles (2-one filled with water, the other
with wine)
Host box and host tube
Host wafers, large and small
Figure 6-10.Alter assembly commonly used for a Protestant field service.