Pastoral care and counselingContinued
non-English-speaking persons, 2-2
screening clients, 2-5
victims of stress and burnout, 2-3
Pastoral Care Services, ix
resource publications, ix
sensitivity, ix
Pluralism, 1-8
Printed materials and publications, 2-27
types, 2-27
Providing assistance to distraught persons,
Psychological emergencies, 2-14
recognizing, 2-14
responding to, 2-15
Publicity, 2-26
goals, 2-26
standard Navy news release, 2-27
Referral directory, 2-5
Religious education, 3-1
attendance records, 3-5
coordinating enrollment, 3-5
coordinating logistic support, 3-4
curriculum material, 3-4
diagraming program support requirements,
inclusiveness, 3-1
library, 3-4
media center, 3-4
program analysis, 3-3
rigging and unrigging programs, 3-7
statistics, 3-8
training volunteers, 3-4
written reports, 3-8
Religious education center, 1-6
Religious ministry, 1-8
major religions, 1-8
missionary work 1-8
other faith groups, 1-8
pluralism, 1-8
Religious Ministry Facility, 1-5
worship center, 1-5
Religious music library, 5-17
materials, 5-18
procedures, 5-18
Religious offering fund, 4-1
acting administrator, 4-1
administration, 4-1
administrator, 4-1
alternate custodian, 4-3
appointments, 4-1
audit board, 4-3
changing safe combinations, 4-8
custodian, 4-2
depositing ROF receipts, 4-8
designated faith group representative, 4-4
maintaining and disposing of ROF files,
maintaining composite ledger, 4-8
Religious Program Specialist, 4-5
safeguarding money, 4-6
volunteers to count ROF offerings,
Religious programming, 6-1
Religious supply sources, 6-34
Religious tracts, 2-32
Reports, 1-2
Active Duty Chaplains Report, 1-4
specialty reports, 1-2
statistical reports, 1-4
Requisitioning supplies, 6-31
Retirement and aging, 2-12