Logistics, 6-19
cleaning of linens, hangings, and vestments, 6-19
cleaning of other equipment and supply items, 6-20
combat supplies 6-31
custody Cards, 6-33
field equipment and supplies, 6-30
imprest fund, 6-31
inventory control, 6-32
inventory management, 6-32
inventory procedures, 6-32
Jewish chaplains combat kit, 6-23
logistic support using the PC, 6-32
mountout boxes, 6-30
operational deployment block 6-31
portable Lee field altar, 6-22
preparing for inventory, 6-32
procurement of faith group supplies, 6-21
procuring, preparing, and processing requisitions,
6 - 31
Protestant chaplains combat kit, 6-24
religious supply sources, 6-34
Roman Catholic chaplains combat kit, 6-26
storage of ecclesiastical equipment and supplies,
survey and disposal, 6-33
Major religions, 1-8
Missionary work 1-8
Nave, 1-5
Narthex, 1-5
Navy military funerals, 1-7
ceremonial guard, 1-7
guidelines, 1-7
naval tradition, 1-7
Navy military wedding, 1-6
dress, 1-6
honors ceremony, 1-6
Navys General Library Program, 5-1
command responsibility afloat, 5-3
history, 5-1
mission, 5-1
professional library services, 5-3
Office of the Chaplain, 6-1
activity calendars, 6-6
appearance and arrangement of office spaces, 6-1
common terms, 6-9
confidentiality, 6-8
information security program, 6-8
office procedures, 6-4
office spaces, 6-2
personal privacy, 6-8
privileged communication, 6-6
receptionist tasks, 6-4
scheduling appointments, 6-5
storing of materials, 6-3
use and maintenance of office equipment, 6-3
Other faith groups, 1-8
Outreach, 2-19
marketing, 2-20
objectives, 2-19
research, 2-19
Pastoral care and counseling, 2-1
blind persons, 2-2
children, 2-2
deaf persons, 2-2
developmentally disabled persons, 2-2
elderly persons, 2-2