Chapter 3
Accession of Chaplains for the Military Services, DODDIR 1304.19D, Department
of Defense, Washington, DC, 1988.
Edge, Findley B., Helping the Teacher, Broadman Press, Nashville, TN, 1959.
Gangel, K. O., and H. G. Hendrick, The Christian Educators Handbook on
Teaching, Victor Books, USA, 1988.
Huff, Darrell, How to Lie With Statistics, W. W. Norton & Co., New York, NY, 1954.
Chapter 4
Establishment, Management, and Control of Nonappropriated Fund
Instrumentalities, DODDIR 1015.1D, Department of Defense, Washington,
DC, 1981.
Financial Management Policies and Procedures for Morale, Welfare, and
Recreation Programs, NAVSO P-3520, Office of the Comptroller, Washington,
DC, 1982.
Nonappropriated Fund Procurement Policy, SECNAVINST 7043.5, Secretary of
the Navy, Washington, DC, 1982.
Religious Ministries Within the Department of the Navy, SECNAVINST 1730.7,
Secretary of the Navy, Washington, DC, 1983.
Religious Offering Fund, SECNAVINST 1710.6, Secretary of the Navy,
Washington, DC, 1990.
Chapter 5
General Specifications for Ships of the U.S. Navy, N A V S E A S9
AA0-AA-SPN-010/GEN SPEC, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington,
DC, 1991.
The Habitability Manual, NAVSEA 0933-LP-005-8010, Naval Sea Systems
Command, Washington, DC, 1969.
Naval General Library Manual, NAVEDTRA 38021, Naval Education and Training
Program Management Support Activity, Pensacola, FL, 1979.
Naval Service General Library Program, SECNAVINST 5070.3A, Secretary of the
Navy, Washington, DC, 1980.
Shipboard Habitability Program, OPNAVINST 9640.1, Chief of Naval Operations,
Washington, DC, 1979.
Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32B,
Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC, 1986.
Unabridged Navy Index of Publications and Forms, NAVSUP Pub 2002D, Aviation
Supply Office, Philadelphia, PA, 1993.
U.S. Navy Shipboard Furniture Catalog, S9600-AD-GTP-010, Naval Sea Systems
Command, Washington, DC, 1983.