Rigging and unrigging fellowship activities, 2-18
volunteers, 2-18
RP rating, v
duties and responsibilities, v
duty stations, vi
history, v
special assignments, vi
United States Marine Corps, vi
Sacristy, 1-6
Sanctuary, 1-6
Separation and deployment, 2-6
Shipboard general libraries, 5-4
check-in procedures, 5-6
check-out procedures, 5-6
clothbound books, 5-5
Dewey decimal system, 5-9
facilities, 5-16
fees and fines, 5-8
general policies and services, 5-5
hours of operation, 5-5
interlibrary loan policies, 5-7
internal arrangement of the library, 5-17
library attendants, 5-5
library officer, 5-4
location of spaces, 5-17
magazines and newspapers, 5-7
managing library resources and spaces, 5-16
managing the use of library materials, 5-5
Navy Auxiliary Library Service collections, 5-8
overdue materials, 5-8
paperback books, 5-7
physical layout of the shipboard library, 5-16
processing library materials, 5-8
records and reports, 5-16
Shipboard general librariesContinued
regulatory instructions for shipboard libraries, 5-4
renewals, 5-7
reserve books, 5-7
size of spaces, 5-16
staffing, 5-4
supplies and equipment, 5-16
tapes, 5-7
Shoptalk, x
Single members, families, and children,
Special events and programs, 2-20
Specialty reports, 1-2
Spread sheets, 6-15
Statistical reports, 1-4
United States Marine Corps, vi
United States Navy Regulations, 1-1
U.S. Navy Chaplain Corps, vii
Chief of Chaplains, vii
coordinating chaplains, viii
major claimant staff chaplains, vii
supervisory chaplains, viii
Weddings in the RMF, App II
Word and data processing, 6-10
Word processing, 6-14
Worship, 1-8
Worship bulletins, 2-27
formats, 2-27
production, 2-27
samples, 2-27
Worship center, 1-5
aisle, 1-5
baptistry, 1-6