2. A check or money order should be stamped
on the back with the words FOR DEPOSIT
ONLY into the proper account, or the authorized
signature(s) should be affixed for deposit.
3. If money is received on other than a regular
working day or when the bank is closed, it should
be counted and then locked in a safe until deposit
can be made.
4. A bank deposit should be made on the first
working day after money is received. Figure 4-32
shows a typical bank deposit slip for the religious
offerings fund.
5. The amount of money received must be
posted to the proper subaccount on the Receipts
and Expenditures Records.
6. Deposits must also be entered on the stub
of the religious offerings fund checkbook, and the
new composite balance must be carried forward.
The religious offerings fund checkbook should
be of the type depicted in figure 4-33. The check
stub should be completed at the time each
transaction is made. When the canceled checks
are returned (usually monthly) by the bank, they
should be taped to the stubs. This package will
serve as a supporting voucher for all transactions
involving the religious offerings fund.
Bank Statements
Full-service banks usually service the religious
offerings fund account free of charge since the
fund is maintained by a nonprofit organization.
In this case there are no bank service charges
levied against, or any interest paid to, the religious
offerings fund. Some banks may pay interest on
checking or share draft accounts. As long as
no investment intent is implied, the religious
offerings fund can be administered at such a bank.
The command chaplain and the local comptroller
will give guidance in this area. The accounting
department of the bank usually issues a bank
statement to the fund accountant once a month.
This statement shows the balance at the beginning
of the statement period, plus all receipts and
minus all disbursements during the period, and
a composite balance at the end of the period.
Accompanying the statement are all certifications
of deposits that have been added to the fund and
all checks paid from the fund and canceled by the
bank. It should be noted that some checks written
against the account toward the end of the state-
ment period may not have been presented to the
bank for payment during the current statement
period. The religious offerings fund accountant
should account for these checks when reconciling
Figure 4-32.Bank deposit slip.