entry, such as the one shown in figure 4-27, is
made on the Receipts and Expenditures Record
to show that a petty cash fund has been
established. The disbursements from each sub-
account that established the petty cash fund
are posted by memorandum entry only in each
individual account, since the composite balance,
or the net worth of the religious offerings fund,
is not affected.
The central petty cash fund should be
often if necessary. Faith group subaccount custo-
dians who have authorized the disbursement of
funds from the central petty cash fund should en-
sure that a purchase order for the amount used is
prepared by the religious offerings fund ac-
countant. This document is then submitted to the
religious offerings fund administrator, who should
ensure that a check is drawn against that sub-
account in the appropriate amount to replenish the
central petty cash fund up to the original amount
replenished at the end of each month or more
of . Figure 4-28 illustrates this process.
Figure 4-28.Record of Receipts and Expenditures entry replenishing petty cash.