Identification of Second
and Succeeding Pages
For identification of second and succeeding
pages, the originators code and file or serial
number are repeated at the top of the page. They
are typed in block style on the right side one inch
from the top and beginning two inches from the
right edge; or moved to the left as necessary to
maintain a one-inch margin.
The serial number is used for instances
when a file number is not used. When neither a
file or serial number is used, the date is added
below the originators code. This information is
followed by a repeat of the Subj line as shown
in figure 5-3.
Assembly of the Letter
Letters of two or more pages are assembled
in accordance with local activity practices before
they are presented for signature. The signature
page should be tabbed to facilitate signing if they
are assembled in natural order.
Classified Naval Letters
Figure 5-4 shows an example of a classified
naval letter. If an occasion arises where the RP
is required to type a classified letter, personnel
in the administrative office should be consulted.
There are several variations to the basic naval
letter that are frequently used in the Navy. An
example of a joint letter is shown in figure 5-5;
a multiple-address letter in figure 5-6; and an
endorsement in figure 5-7. Specific instructions
on preparing these variations are contained in the
Department of the Navy Correspondence Manual
(SECNAVINST 5216.5).
Besides the basic naval letter and its variations,
the RP should be familiar with other special types
of correspondence used in the Department of the
Navy. These additional types of correspondence
are explained in the following sections.
Except as indicated in SECNAVINST 5216.5,
a memorandum is prepared generally in the same
manner as a naval letter. There are several
memorandum formats which can be used.
F R O M - T O
M E M O R A N D U M . A
From-To memorandum is normally used for
informal communications between subordinates
within the same activity. It may be directed to one
or more addressees. The first page of a From-
To memorandum may be typed on plain bond
paper, on the Department of the Navy
Memorandum Form (OPNAV 5216/144) shown
in figure 5-8, or on letterhead paper(figure 5-9).
DUM.The Memorandum For memorandum
is used for more formal communications between
high level officials such as the Secretary of
Defense, the Secretary of the Navy, or one of their
executive assistants. The Memorandum For
memorandum is prepared on letterhead stationery
as shown in figure 5-10.
2 - W A Y L E T T E R / M E M O M E M O -
2-Way Letter/Memo
memorandum may be used as a routine letter or
as a From-To memorandum. It is typed on a
2-Way Letter/Memo Form (OPNAV 5216/146)
and is used only for a communication which
requires a reply.
NOTE: This type of
memorandum is not generally used in the office
of the chaplain.
A speedletter
correspondence used for urgent communication
which does not require electrical transmission. Its
primary purpose is to call attention to the
communication so that it will be given priority
handling by the recipient. Speedletters are
prepared on the standard Naval Speedletter Form
(OPNAV 5216/145) shown in figure 5-11.
The naval message is used only when
information is of urgent nature and must be
transmitted rapidly. A message should not be used
if the necessary information can reach its