cited in the correspondence. References are listed
in the order in which they are mentioned in the
text of the correspondence. They maybe listed
in chronological order when the sequencers not
The Ref line is typed on the second line
below the last line of the Subj line. When there
is more than one reference, each is lettered with
small letters (a, b, c, etc.) enclosed in parentheses.
Only those references that contribute to the
understanding of the letter are listed. References
may include: written communications, publica-
tions and documents which are available to the
addressees, telephone conversations, meetings,
and other verbal exchanges. References should not
be used if they are not referred to in the text of
the correspondence.
If only part of a long document is significant
to the letter, the applicable chapter, section, or
paragraph is designated. The abbreviation
NOTAL (not to all) is enclosed in parentheses
and added to the reference when a reference has
not been distributed to all addressees.
Enclosure Line
The Enclosure line is an optional entry on
naval letters. The abbreviation Encl is used to
introduce a listing of material included with the
basic letter. Enclosures are numbered with Arabic
numbers in parentheses and are listed usually in
the order of appearance in the text of the
The Encl line is typed on the second line
below the Ref line or below the Subj line
when no
Ref line is included in the
correspondence. An enclosure is never listed as
a reference in the same basic letter.
The text or body of the letter begins on the
second line below the last line of the Encl,
Ref, or Subj lines as the case may be.
Paragraph headings should be used in long letters
to facilitate review.
Each paragraph is numbered flush at the left
margin with an Arabic numeral followed by a
period and two spaces, All paragraphs are single
spaced with double spacing between paragraphs
and subparagraphs. A paragraph is not begun at
the bottom of a page unless there is space for at
least two lines of the text on the page; and unless
at least two lines are carried over to the next page.
Signature information is typed or stamped in
block style beginning on the fourth line below the
last line of the text in the center of the page. All
signature names are typed in capital letters in the
manner preferred by the signer.
Neither the grade nor functional title of the
signing official is normally shown in the signature
except that a functional title is added for a chief
of staff, a deputy, an assistant chief, or a similar
official authorized to sign correspondence without
the use of the phrase By direction. This also
applies to executive officers or similar officials
authorized to sign orders affecting pay and
Copy to Line
A Copy to line is an optional entry on a
naval letter. It is typed at the left margin on the
second line below the last line of the signature
information. Activities receiving copies are listed
preferably by abbreviated titles beginning on the
line below the Copy to notation at the left hand
Originals and any information copies which
are addressed outside an organization normally
do not show the internal offices to which
information copies have been sent. However,
processing and file copies show the complete
distribution. The notation Blind copy to is
substituted for or used in addition to the notation
c o p y t o and is typed with the applicable
addressees as shown in figure 5-3.
The first page of an unclassified naval letter
is not numbered. Second and succeeding pages are
numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals
beginning with the numeral 2 (figure 5-3)
centered 1/2 inch from the bottom of the page.
Numerals are typed without punctuation marks.