example shown in figure 5-2. The abbreviation
Ser precedes the serial number when one is
If a refer to line is not printed on the
stationery, the identification symbols are placed
at the right side of the page one line below the
last line in the letterhead. The symbols are typed
beginning approximately two inches from the
right side so that a one-inch margin is maintained.
They are arranged in block style in the order
described for symbols that follow a printed refer
to line.
Dating the Letter
The date is typed or stamped on the right side
of the page just below, and blocked with the last
line of the identification symbols. Correspondence
is dated with the date on which it is signed.
Special Postal Service
If special postal service is used, the appropriate
is typed in capital letters or stamped at the left
margin on the fourth line below the last line of
the address in the letterhead. The designation
REGISTERED MAIL is the special postal
service in figure 5-2.
From Line
The use of a From line is optional except
when there is a specific need to include it. When
a From line is used, it should include only that
information, which together with the letterhead,
will provide sufficient title and address for reply
without reference documents having to be
consulted. This line identifies, by title, the official
in charge of the component of the Department
of the Navy originating the letter.
The From line is typed on the third line
below the designation of postal service in an
unclassified naval letter. It is placed on the seventh
line below the last line of the letterhead address
when there is no postal service designation. Two
spaces are inserted between the colon after the
From and the beginning of the originators
Titles in the From line follow the forms
shown in the Standard Navy Distribution List,
Catalog of Naval Shore Activities (OPNAV
P09B2-105); the Standard Navy Distribution List,
Operating Forces of the Navy, Unified and
Specified Commands, U.S. Elements of
International Commands (OPNAV P09B2-107);
and in the List of Marine Corps Activities (MCO
To Line
Official correspondence intended for the
incumbent of an office, and pertaining to that
office, is addressed to that individual by title and
not by name. The title is written in the same
manner as on the From line. Sufficient
information is given to ensure that the letter is
delivered expeditiously.
The To line is placed on the line below the
From line. If there is no From line, the
To line is placed in the same position as that
prescribed for the From line in the preceding
section. Four spaces are inserted between the
colon after the To and the beginning of the
addressees title.
Via Line
The use of a Via line is optional. It is used
when it is necessary to have the letter endorsed
by one or more addressees before it is received
by the ultimate addressee indicated in the To
The Via line is placed on the line below the
To line. When there is more than one via
addressee, each one is numbered with Arabic
numerals enclosed in parentheses. These numerals
indicate the sequence through which the
correspondence is to be sent.
Subject Line
The abbreviation Subj is used to introduce
a topical statement of the subject and nature of
the correspondence. Only the first word and any
proper nouns are capitalized. The Subj line is
typed on the second line below the last line of the
via entry, or of the To entry if there is no
Via line.
Reference Line
A Reference line is an optional entry on a
naval letter. The abbreviation Ref is used to
indicate that previously prepared material is being