Chapter 2The Secretary of the Navy
(Articles 0200 series)
C h a p t e r 3 T h e C h i e f o f N a v a l
Operations (Articles 0300 series)
Chapter 4The Commandant of the
Marine Corps (Articles 0400 series)
Chapter 5The United States Coast
Guard (Articles 0500 series)
Chapter 6The Commanders in Chief and
other Commanders (Articles 0600 series)
Chapter 7The Commanding Officer
(Articles 0700 series)
Chapter 8Precedence, Authority, and
Command (Articles 0800 series)
Chapter 9The Senior Officer Present
(Articles 0900 series)
Chapter 10Honors and Ceremonies
(Articles 1000 series)
Chapter 11 Rights and Responsibilities of
Persons in the Department of the Navy
(Articles 1100 series)
Chapter 12Purpose and Force of Regu-
lations within the Department of the Navy
(Articles 1200 series)
Figure 4-1 shows an example of an article ex-
tracted from Chapter 7 of Navy Regulations. This
publication is provided in looseleaf form and
kept in an adjustable binder so that changes may
be easily inserted as needed. NOTE: The Chief
of Naval Operations is responsible for making
changes to Navy Regulations and changes are ap-
proved by the Secretary of the Navy.
Regulations and guidance governing the con-
duct of all members of the U.S. Navy are
promulgated in Standard Organization and
Regulations of the U.S. Navy (OPNAVINST
3120.32). This publication is referred to as the
0722. Observance of Sunday
1. Except by reason of necessity or in
the interest of the welfare and morale of
the command, the performance of work
shall not be required on Sunday. Except
by reason of necessity, ships shall not be
sailed nor units of aircraft or troops be
deployed on Sunday. The provisions of this
paragraph need not apply to commands
engaged in training reserve components of
the Navy and the Marine Corps.
2. Divine services shall be conducted
on Sunday if possible. All assistance and
encouragement shall be given to chaplains
in the conduct of these services, and music
shall be available, if practicable. The
chaplain shall be permitted to conduct
public worship according to the manner
and forms of the church of which he/she
is a member. A suitable space shall be
designated and properly rigged for the oc-
casion, and quiet shall be maintained
throughout the vicinity during divine
services. The religious preferences and the
varying religious needs of individuals shall
be recognized, respected, encouraged, and
ministered to as practicable. Daily routine
in ships and activities shall be modified on
Sunday as practicable to achieve this end.
3. When there is no chaplain attached
to the command, the commanding officer
shall engage the services of any naval or
military chaplain who may be available; or,
failing in this, shall, when practicable,
invite and may remunerate a civilian
clergyman/clergywoman to conduct
religious services. Services led by lay
leaders are encouraged. Provision shall be
made for sending and receiving church
parties as appropriate and practicable.
Figure 4-1.Chapter 7 Article of Navy Regulations.
SORM. Two types of print are used in this
publication. Material printed in italicized type is
regulatory and applies individually to each
member of the U.S. Navy. The material printed
in plain type is for the guidance of commanders,