1. The chaplain shall serve as special
advisor and assistant to the respective com-
manding officer or commander on matters
related to religion and religious welfare.
2. In discharging the general duties of a
fleet, force, or staff chaplain, the chaplain
shall perform the following specific duties:
a. Inspect the work of the chaplains at
frequent intervals.
b. Advise, counsel, and offer sugges-
tions to the chaplains concerning their
c. Provide services in commands that
do not carry chaplains by arranging for the
interchange of chaplains of different
d. Call meetings of chaplains for con-
ference, discussion, and adjustment of the
matters pertaining to their work.
e. Keep the fleet, force, or staff public
affairs officer informed of chaplains ac-
tivities of public interest.
f. Work closely with religious and
community groups in order to develop
awareness of religious activity in the Navy.
g. Evaluate for detailing purposes the
favorable professional qualifications in
primary and collateral duties of chaplains.
h. Maintain liaison with Navy Relief,
Red Cross, and other welfare and recrea-
tional organizations that render service to
naval personnel and their dependents.
Report annually a summary of activ-
ities through 30 September to the Chief of
Chaplains (OP-09G) via the chain of
3. In discharging the general duties of a
chaplain attached to a ship or station, the
chaplain shall, with the approval of the
commanding officer, perform the follow-
ing specific duties:
a. Administer the Command Religious
Program and be responsible for the con-
duct of divine services on all appropriate
occasions in accordance with U.S. Navy
Regulations, Article 0722.
b. Conduct divine services for other
c. Provide appropriate sacramental
ministry and pastoral care.
d. Form voluntary programs of religious
e. Visit the sick.
f. At general quarters, report to a battle
station where the wounded may be
ministered to.
g. At daily quarters, report his or her
presence aboard to the executive officer.
h. Visit personnel confined to the brig
or personnel civilian correctional facility.
Keep the public affairs officer in-
formed of chaplains activities of public
Work closely with local religious
groups in foreign and U.S. communities
in order to develop public awareness of the
religious activities in the Navy.
k. Report annually a summary of activ-
ities through 30 September to the Chief of
Chaplains (OP-09G) via the chain of
Figure 4-6.General duties of chaplains from 1982 edition of Naval Military Personnel Manual (MILPERSMAN).