receiving the material, and the date the material
is checked out. NOTE: GSA Optional Form 23
replaced the File Out Card (NAVEXOS 4178).
Figure 3-11 shows an example of a Chargeout
Record. A periodic check should be made of all
CRP Chargeout Records by the RP to ensure that
material has not been out for an unreasonable
length of time.
Office of the chaplain general correspondence
files are terminated (closed out) at the end of each
calendar year. These terminated files are main-
tained in the office for 1 full year until they are
retired to a designated storage area aboard the
command. They are maintained in the storage
area until they meet the eligibility requirements
for disposal in accordance with the provisions
outlined in Disposal of Navy and Marine Corps
Records (SECNAVINST 5212.5). This instruction
will be explained in another section of this
chapter. Specific disposal requirements for Marine
Corps commands are outlined in the Records
Management Program for the Marine Corps
(MCO 5210.11). RPs assigned to Marine Corps
units should check this publication prior to dispos-
ing any files or records.
Administrative department personnel are
normally assigned the responsibility for maintain-
ing a required reports central inventory system for
a command. The RP plays a vital role in this func-
tion by ensuring that the required reports per-
taining to the office of the chaplain and the CRP
are submitted in a timely manner. It is imperative
that RPs consult administrative department per-
sonnel whenever questions arise concerning
reports generated by the office of the chaplain.
The Master Recurring Reports file is main-
tained by the personnel assigned to the ad-
ministrative department. They are concerned
generally with two types of reports:
Recurring a report which has the
same type of information being submitted on a
regular basis (monthly, quarterly, etc.).
Situation a report, other than a periodic
report, which is prepared only on the occasion
when an event occurs. For example, the death of
a Navy member requires that a situation report
be prepared.
After determining which recurring reports are
required, a command master list and/or index
cards are prepared identifying each required
report. The RP is assigned the responsibility of
maintaining an up-to-date list of the required
reports which are prepared in the office of the
It is the responsibility of the RP to establish
and maintain a reports tickler system for the of-
fice of the chaplain. A tickler system provides an
index of required reports for the office of the
chaplain and shows the submission date of each
report. Standard 5 x 8 cards are normally
used to identify each required report which is
prepared in the office of the chaplain. Figure 3-12
shows an example of a tickler card which was
prepared to identify the title and due date of the
recurring required annual report titled Active
Duty Navy Chaplains Annual Report
(NAVPERS 1730/8).
The RP should check the tickler file regularly
to ensure that all recurring required reports are
prepared on time. In addition, the tickler file may
be used to serve as a reminder for action required
on incoming and outgoing correspondence.
Tremendous amounts of records are pro-
duced each year in the Department of the Navy.
Therefore, it is obvious that records disposal
techniques must keep pace with the continual
increased production of these records. The
Disposal of Navy and Marine Corps Records
Manual (SECNAVINST 5212.5) provides specific
guidance as to the requirements for disposing of
Department of the Navy records. It is imperative
that a copy of this instruction be maintained in
the office of the chaplain at all times.
In order to understand records disposal pro-
cedures, it is important for the RP to be familiar