Classifying Subjects
Classifying, as used in assigning an SSIC, is
the process of determining the correct subject
group under which correspondence is to be filed.
This is the most important filing operation
because it determines the actual SSIC assigned to
each piece of correspondence to be filed.
Before classifying by subject a piece of
correspondence, the RP should carefully read it,
analyze its contents, and then select the file code
that most closely corresponds to the subject. Sec-
tion III of SECNAVINST 5210.11 provides an
alphabetical listing of primary, secondary, and
tertiary codes which should be used to initially
locate a subject. However, Section I of the same
instruction should then be checked to ensure that
the most accurate classification has been selected.
Coding Information
Coding is the process of writing the file
number (SSIC) on the piece of correspondence to
be filed. The SSIC number should be written in
the upper right corner of the correspondence. If
the document is to be filed under the number
assigned by its originator, the SSIC number
should be circled. Figure 3-8 shows an example
of a circled originators SSIC number.
Cross-Reference Filing
Official correspondence is normally filed
under one SSIC. However, there are occasions
when a subject pertains to more than one file
code. A system of cross-referencing has been
developed to account for these multiple file code
Some correspondence received in the office of
the chaplain will have one or more copies
attached. These copies are ideal to use as cross-
-reference sheets when needed. They can be filed
under the appropriate SSICs for the particular
subject or subjects which are to be cross-
-referenced. When a cross-reference is required and
additional copies of the correspondence are not
received, a Cross-Reference Sheet (DD Form 334,
334a, or 334b) should be used. The DD Form 334
is a single-sheet form; the DD Form 334a is a two-
copy form (one original and one carbon); and the
DD Form 334b is a three-copy form (one original
and two carbons).
A letter that would probably be filed under
at least three separate SSICs is shown in figure
3-9. Figure 3-10 shows an example of a DD Form
334a that would be used for cross-referencing this
letter. Completion of the cross-reference sheet is
accomplished by entering the following
Datethe date shown on the cor-
respondence in figure 3-9 is entered in the space
provided. The entry is 15 January 1983.
Indexthe SSICs under which the letter
is being cross-filed is entered in the space pro-
vided. This entry is 1200/12510.
TOthe addressee shown on the cor-
respondence in figure 3-9 is entered in the space
provided. The entry is Commanding Officer,
FROMthe originator of the cor-
respondence shown in figure 3-9 is entered in the
space provided. The entry is Office of the Chief
of Chaplains (OP-09G).
SUMMARYthe subject and/or a brief
description of the correspondence is entered in the
space provided. The entry is Manpower, military
and civilianrequest for submission of a sum-
mary of billet classifications and position descrip-
tions for Religious Program Specialists and
civilian secretaries utilized in supporting the
Command Religious Program at NAVEDTRA-
FILEDthe SSIC under which the
original correspondence is filed is entered in the
space provided. The entry is 5300.
INDEXERthe initials of the RP doing
the filing and cross-referencing are entered in the
space provided. The entry is rww.
REMARKSany pertinent information
may be entered in the space provided. For this
correspondence the entry is Notify Chief of
Chaplains (OP-09G) by 31 March 1983.
NOTE: After the DD Form 334a has been
completed, the copies would be filed under SSIC
1200 (Classification and DesignationGeneral)
and SSIC 12510 (Position Classification and Job
Evaluation). The original correspondence would
be filed under SSIC 5300 (Manpower/Personnel).