The RP is primarily concerned with Sections I and
including budgeting, disbursing, accounting,
III; therefore, these specific sections will be
auditing, industrial and other special financial
discussed in the following paragraphs.
matters, and statistical reporting.
Each of the previously mentioned 14 major
subject groups is designated by a four- or five-
digit numeric code. These major subject groups
1000 Series (Military Personnel) Includes
subjects relating solely to the administration of
military personnel.
2000 Series (Telecommunications) This
series includes subjects relating to general com-
munication matters and to communication
systems and equipment.
3000 Series (Operations and Readiness)
Includes subjects relating to such matters as
operational plans, fleet operations, operational
training and readiness, warfare techniques,
operational intelligence, and research and
4000 Series (Logistics) Includes subjects
relating to the logistical support of the Navy and
Marine Corps including procurement, supply con-
trol, property redistribution and disposal, travel
and other transportation, maintenance, construc-
tion and conversion, production and mobilization
planning, and foreign military assistance.
5000 Series (General Administration and
Management) Includes subjects relating to the
administration, organization, and management of
the Department of the Navy, including general
personnel matters, security, external relations, law
and legal matters, office services, and publication
and printing matters.
6000 Series (Medicine and Dentistry)
This series includes subjects relating to medical
matters, such as physical fitness, general medicine,
special or preventive medicine, dentistry, medical
equipment and supplies.
7000 Series (Financial Management)
Includes subjects relating to the financial
administration of the Department of the Navy,
8000 Series (Ordnance Material) This
series includes subjects relating to all types of ord-
nance material and weapons, including ammuni-
tion and explosives, guided missiles of all types,
underwater ordnance materials, and miscellaneous
ordnance equipment.
9000 Series (Ships Design and Material)
Includes subjects relating to such matters as the
design, characteristics, and readiness of ships, and
to ships material and equipment.
10000 Series (General Material) Includes
subjects relating to general categories of materials
not included in the specialized material groups.
It includes photographic equipment and acces-
sories, general machinery and tools, personnel
(materials), and miscellaneous categories.
11000 Series (Facilities and Activities
Ashore) This series includes subjects relating to
ashore structures and facilities, fleet facilities,
transportation facilities, utilities and services, and
other similar subjects.
12000 Series (Civilian Personnel) In-
cludes subjects relating solely to the administra-
tion of civilian personnel.
13000 Series (Meteorological and Astro-
nautical Material) Includes subjects relating to
aeronautical and astronautical material, including
parts, accessories and instruments; special devices;
serological equipment, weapons
systems, types of aircraft; and astronautic
16000 Series (Coast Guard Missions)
This series includes subjects relating solely to the
administration and mission of the Coast Guard.
NOTE: General personnel subjects relating to
both civilian and military personnel are included
in the 5000 series.
The 14 major numerical subject groups are
subdivided into primary, secondary, and tertiary
breakdowns depending upon the scope and com-
plexity of the major subject. Some of the major