NAVY STOCK LIST OFPUBLICATIONS AND FORMSThe Navy Stock List of Publications andForms (NAVSUP P-2002) establishes proceduresfor ordering publications and forms. Thismicrofiche document is maintained in the supplydepartment and is issued quarterly (February,May, August, and November). It consists of thefollowing six parts and four appendixes:Part A—IntroductionPart B—Composition FormatPart C—Requisitioning Instructions(Forms)Part D—Requisitioning Instructions(Publications)Part E—Requisitioning Instructions(NAVAIR)Part F—Supplementary InformationAppendix A—Alphabetic Prefix Cross-AppendixB—AlphabeticPrefixCross-Reference (Publications)Appendix C—Standard AbbreviationsAppendix D—Identification Aids andRequisitioning Instructions for Non-cognizance Printed MatterOPERATING PROCEDURESMANUAL FOR MILSTRIP/MILSTRAPPolicy and procedures related to the MilitaryStandard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures(MILSTRIP) and Military Standard TransactionReportingand Accounting Procedures(MILSTRAP) are promulgated in the OperatingProcedures Manual for MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP(NAVSUP P-437). This publication serves as acomprehensive reference for personnel involvedin the preparation of MILSTRIP/MILSTRAPdocuments. Figures 4-15 and 4-16 show two ex-amples of a MILSTRIP requisition document(DD Form 1348) for procuring an ecclesiastical. .item and consumable supplies.NAVSUP P-437 is maintained in the supplydepartment and this publication is not distributedReference (Forms)Figure 4-15.—DD Form 1348 requisition for an ecclesiastical item (candlelighter and snuffer).4-17
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