Assignment 2ManagingtheOfficeoftheChaplainTextbook Assignment:RP, Module III, NET 287-03-45-83, Chapter 2, Pages 2-1 through 2-47Learning Objective: Specify the pro-cedures for maintaining attractiveCommand Religious Program officespaces; identify the office equipmentthat may be used in the office of thechaplain and determine the maintenancerequirements for each piece of equip-ment; recognize the qualities of anefficient receptionist; defineprivileged communication.2-1.The majority of the duties performed by aReligious Program Specialist are in anoffice environment.1.True2.False2-2.Correspondence baskets should be checkedand cleared at least how often?1.Quarterly2.Monthly3.Weekly4.Daily2-3.Which of the following rules should beobserved by RPS in the maintenance oftheir desks?1.Carbon paper should be removed fromits original box an placed in a trayin the desk2.Unused stencils and correction fluidshould be stored in a supply cabinetrather than in the desk3.Classified material should be kept ina locked desk drawer4.Personal belongings should not bekept in the desk2-4.Open shelves are preferable to closedcabinets for storing supplies in theoffice of the chaplain.1.True2.False2-5.An is required by occupationalstandards to type at what minimum speed?1.15 words per minute2.25 words per minute3.30 words per minute4.40 words per minute2-6.Which of the following statements is/areTRUE concerning the care of typewriters?1.Typewriters should be covered when notin use2.Typewriters should be checked daily tosee if they are in satisfactoryworking condition3.A service representative should becalled when major repairs are requiredto fix a typewriter4.All of the above2-7.Which of the following procedures shouldNOT be employed in the maintenance of aMimeograph? cylinder should be left with theink pad side down when the Mimeographis not in useFeed rolls should be washed once aweek with clear warm waterThe impression roller should never beimmersed in waterThe feed pad should be reversed eachtime it is cleanedmain advantage of the Ditto machineover a Mimeograph is its compact size.1.True2.False2-9.A Ditto master stencil should be removedfrom the typewriter in order tocorrect errors.1.True2.False7
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