Table 5-1.Ships Library Minimum Criteria for Library Area, Seating, and Shelving
LOCATION OF SPACES. Where options are
available, the following requirements should be met:
The library should be located as far as
possible from areas having high noise levels, such as
machinery spaces, galleys, or directly under flight
The ships library should not be next to heat-
producing spaces, such as uptakes and firerooms.
The library should be located for convenient
access by all the crew, preferably near the ships store
and other personal service areas.
Library locations amidships are preferred to
reduce the effects of ship motion.
Internal Arrangement of the Library
Consider the following factors in planning the
librarys layout.
SEAT ORIENTATION. For small, unstabilized
ships having pronounced rolling tendencies, arrange
seats so personnel face forward or aft. On large ships,
tenders, or aircraft carriers, seat orientation is optional.
should face forward or aft to lessen the tendency for
books to be ejected by rolls.
attendants desk should be placed at the librarys
entrance to allow a view of as much of the library as
WORK AREA. A closed-off area with a small
worktable and supply cabinet should be provided for
book processing.
In your career as an RP, you will likely have
responsibilities for maintaining the religious music
library. Some of your responsibilities will involve
providing ready access to choral and organ music
such as the example shown in figure 5-21. In the
following paragraphs, we will discuss some of the
procedures you can use for setting up and
maintaining a religious music library.