Figure 2-26.Administrative Remarks (NAVPERS 1070/613).
chaplains. Copy 7 (figure 2-30) is maintained on
the left side of the enlisted service record at the
members local command.
Enlisted service records are the property of the
Government and the information contained in
these records is for the Navys official use. It is
important for the RP to screen enlisted records
carefully. Loss of material from a service record
could adversely affect a persons career.
The RP should also be aware of the confiden-
tial nature of service records. Care should be
exercised to ensure that unauthorized persons do
not gain access to information contained in
enlisted service records. Following are some pro-
cedures for safeguarding enlisted service records:
An enlisted service record should not be
left unattended on a desk.
An enlisted service record should be
placed out of sight when not being screened for
information specified by assigned chaplains.
Unauthorized personnel should not be
allowed in the area when service records are be-
ing screened by the RP.
This chapter contains information pertaining
to managing the office of the chaplain; office
equipment utilized in the Command Religious
Program including operating procedures and
maintenance; CRP office procedures including
receptionist duties and telephone communica-
tions; RP responsibilities in regard to privileged
communications; security of classified material
and the information security program; For Of-
ficial Use Only information and records; and
screening enlisted service records.
It is important to remember that RPs perform
vital office-related tasks in support of the Com-
mand Religious Program. Therefore, the RP must
strive to be the best office worker and manager
possible in order to meet the needs of both the
CRP and the Navy.